Toronto Star

The doctor is in . . . the race

Hoskins’ humanitari­an background, star power add ‘diversity’ to field


Dr. Eric Hoskins hopes he has the prescripti­on for what ails the Ontario Liberal Party.

On Tuesday, the former children and youth services minister and cofounder of the charity War Child will become the sixth candidate in the race to succeed Premier Dalton McGuinty.

“The diversity of his experience is his strength,” a source close to him told the Star on Monday.

The 51-year-old is a relative newcomer to politics, unlike many of the other candidates. The former Rhodes scholar has run an internatio­nal non-government­al organizati­on that helps children in war-ravaged countries — and been a family doctor.

“Ontarians are looking for an approach to leadership . . . that isn’t just politics as usual,” said the Hoskins confidant, noting the physician’s long focus on youth issues should help attract younger people to the Liberals.

His friendship­s with pop stars K’naan, Raine Maida, Chantal Kreviazuk and the band Sum 41, who have all helped raise funds for War Child, may give him some street credibilit­y his rivals lack.

That could help him because Liberal members as young as 14 will be among the 2,500 or so delegates voting at the Jan. 25-27 convention.

“So my good friend @DrEricHosk­ins is running 4 leader of Ontario Liberals. Good news for those who want to see humanity in politics,” tweeted K’naan, who performed his internatio­nal hit “Wavin’ Flag” at last spring’s NDP convention.

Liberal delegate selection meetings will be held in all 107 Ontario ridings on Jan. 12-13.

The three-year St. Paul’s MPP will launch his campaign at 11 a.m. at the Centre for Social Innovation on Bathurst St. in the Annex.

His entry follows Gerard Kennedy, 52, who announced his return to provincial politics in a Monday story.

Kennedy — a former education minister who finished second to McGuinty in the 1996 Liberal leadership race — made a splash by distancing himself from the government’s controvers­ial legislatio­n banning teachers’ strikes, freezing wages and curbing benefits.

“I wasn’t part of the cabinet that brought in Bill 115,” he said Monday, noting when he ran the Ministry of Education between 2003 and 2006 there was labour peace and progress in classrooms.

“I don’t need legislatio­n to get a fix, to get a repair in education.”

That appeared to be Kennedy’s shot across the bow at the ministers who were at the cabinet table when the minority Liberals joined forces with the Progressiv­e Conservati­ves to legislate a contract on teachers.

Aside from Hoskins, other recent ministers seeking McGuinty’s job are Glen Murray, 55, Charles Sousa, 54, and Kathleen Wynne, 59.

All were part of the decision to impose legislatio­n upon teachers.

As of Monday, Government Services Minister Harinder Takhar, 61, was still considerin­g his own bid.

The front-runner in the race is seen as Sandra Pupatello, 50, a former minister who did not run in the Oct. 6, 2011 election and had been working on Bay Street.

Liberal campaign chair Greg Sorbara, a key player in McGuinty’s electoral victories, said he’s “really confident the party is renewing itself.”

Leadership hopefuls have until Nov. 23 to join the race, which has a $50,000 entry fee and a $500,000 spending limit.

 ?? RENÉ JOHNSTON FILE PHOTO/TORONTO STAR ?? MPP Eric Hoskins, 51, who’s entering the race on Tuesday, is a relative newcomer to politics but has a lengthy resumé. Not only is he a doctor, but Hoskins is a former Rhodes scholar and helped found the charity War Child.
RENÉ JOHNSTON FILE PHOTO/TORONTO STAR MPP Eric Hoskins, 51, who’s entering the race on Tuesday, is a relative newcomer to politics but has a lengthy resumé. Not only is he a doctor, but Hoskins is a former Rhodes scholar and helped found the charity War Child.

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