Toronto Star

Student sues school over B-plus

Concordia’s unofficial grade quota cost him an A-minus, he argues


All William Groombridg­e ever wanted was an explanatio­n: Why did he get a B-plus in his energy policy course at Montreal’s Concordia University when his 81 per cent qualified for an A-minus, according to the school’s grading scheme?

It’s not like he had a lot at stake. The 41-year-old computer programmer runs his own web developmen­t business in Quebec’s largest city. The only reason he’s enrolled part time is to keep his brain “exercised.”

But after six months of door knocks and phone calls and emails, with no clear answer, Groombridg­e reached his wit’s end. Now he’s suing the school. “I’m the charging elephant that keeps getting closer and closer and bigger and scarier and noisier,” said Groombridg­e.

He is taking Concordia to Quebec small claims court, demanding to be reimbursed $342 — the amount he paid to take the course during the 2011fall semester. He argues the school arbitraril­y downgraded his final mark to meet an unofficial grade quota imposed by the chair of political science, Csaba Nikolenyi.

He asserts his concerns were “brushed off” by the department.

“They never did officially say that there was this policy,” said Groombridg­e. “It seems artificial and it’s not based on merit.”

Christine Mota, Concordia’s media relations director, said it would be inappropri­ate to comment on the matter, as it is before the courts. She did say Concordia has “no global policy” on grading, and that any grading schemes are set on a department­al basis.

Mota said that Groombridg­e has never filed a formal complaint through the school’s grade-evaluation process.

Concordia argues in its statement of defence that it can change grades when an error has been made, and the altered final mark was the result of a routine bell curve, said Groombridg­e.

But he’s not buying it. If a bell curve was used, all students marks would have shifted to reflect the chosen distributi­on. Instead, only Groombridg­e and three others had their grades dropped, he said.

Groombridg­e first learned he’d been shunted out of the A-zone in January, one month after completing his final exam in the energy policy course.

In an email, Groombridg­e’s professor Felix von Geyer told him that

“The only thing I can really ask them for is a refund. I can’t sue them to change my grade.” WILLIAM GROOMBRIDG­E ON HIS LAWSUIT AGAINST SCHOOL

the political science chair surveyed the marks for the course, then told him “the norm” for the department restricts As to “no more than 25 per cent” of students in a given course. Upon learning this, von Geyer dropped Groombridg­e to a B-plus. “(Nikolenyi) suggested that I review it, and I did,” von Geyer wrote. Von Geyer added he’s never heard of any firm quota in the department, and only lowered the marks after Nikolenyi suggested the grades were too high. Nikolenyi said Monday he couldn’t comment since the case was before the courts. The practice of restrictin­g the number of students that get top marks varies from school to school. The University of Toronto explicitly outlaws quotas in its grade distributi­on guidelines, while at Western University, some courses must place average marks in a predetermi­ned range — between 72 and 77 per cent for third-year Media, Informatio­n and Technocult­ure courses, for example. For Groombridg­e, the issue prompted him to switch majors to economics. He is currently awaiting a trial date. “The only thing I can really ask them for is a refund,” he said. “I can’t sue them to change my grade.”

 ?? PETER MCCABE FOR THE TORONTO STAR ?? William Groombridg­e is taking Concordia to small claims court, demanding to be reimbursed the $342 he paid to take an energy policy course. He says his concerns about a lowered grade were “brushed off” by the school.
PETER MCCABE FOR THE TORONTO STAR William Groombridg­e is taking Concordia to small claims court, demanding to be reimbursed the $342 he paid to take an energy policy course. He says his concerns about a lowered grade were “brushed off” by the school.

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