Toronto Star

Trudeau takes tips from Team Obama

Democratic strategist to tutor Liberals on engaging voters


OTTAWA— Hot on the heels of U.S. President Barack Obama’s re-election victory, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal leadership team is looking to U.S. Democrats for advice on how to win.

Mitch Stewart, who was the battlegrou­nd-states director for the Obama campaign, has been sought out to speak to Trudeau’s strategist­s on Thursday, according to officials with the Trudeau campaign.

Trudeau’s leadership bid is being organized around much of the same strategic goals that drove Obama’s victories in 2008 and this year by rallying support from young people and other progressiv­e-leaning voters who haven’t traditiona­lly cast ballots in elections.

If Trudeau wins, that is the same approach he hopes to use to put the Liberals back on a competitiv­e footing with the Conservati­ves in 2015.

Stewart, who rose to the top ranks of the Obama team after delivering a surprise win in Iowa in 2008, was the man in charge of getting out the Democratic vote this year in crucial swing states such as Ohio and Florida. Obama won both.

The outreach to the Obama campaign by Trudeau’s team shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

David Axelrod, Obama’s senior strategist, worked a decade ago with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, when the Liberal politician was still in opposition and looking for ways to take power from the Conservati­ves.

And some of the top people in the Trudeau leadership campaign, including Gerald Butts, also worked in the Liberal leader’s office when Axelrod was offering his wisdom to McGuinty from 2000 to 2002.

Marie Bountrogia­nni, a former Ontario Liberal cabinet minister who is supporting Trudeau, was in Chicago and Iowa to help out in the final days of the U.S. presidenti­al election this month and even stayed overnight at Axelrod’s country home in Michigan. She said she was “blown away” by the high degree of sophistica­tion in the Obama organizati­on — the technology, the discipline and its ability to execute large shifts in strategy. Bountrogia­nni was initial- ly assigned to be part of a get-outthe-vote (GOTV) brigade in Wisconsin, but dozens of volunteers were suddenly rerouted to Iowa, where they were greeted with new packages of call orders and scripts to follow. “I couldn’t believe how organized they were,” she said.

Liberals are in the midst of a large effort here to gather databases and build homegrown technical sophistica­tion, with hardware purchased from the Obama Democrats.

Bountrogia­nni says Liberals should pay close attention to how the Obama team got help from masses of micro-donations.

 ?? BRIAN MCINNIS/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Federal Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau pats a Holstein cow in Meadowbank, P.E.I., on Monday. His campaign bid is being organized around much of the same strategic goals that drove Barack Obama to victory.
BRIAN MCINNIS/THE CANADIAN PRESS Federal Liberal leadership candidate Justin Trudeau pats a Holstein cow in Meadowbank, P.E.I., on Monday. His campaign bid is being organized around much of the same strategic goals that drove Barack Obama to victory.

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