Toronto Star


Exercise at 8 months pregnant? Definitely, says trainer. Story,


I’ve been a spin instructor for eight years, and I’ve always found exercising energizing, as well as a great way to release stress and anxiety. But when I was pregnant with my first child, I was worried about pushing myself on the bike. Would it harm the baby?

Even after discussing it with my obstetrici­an — who reassured me that my routine was fine — my training sessions were done under a large cloud of guilt.

I’ve since realized I’m not the only one who’s afraid. Several pregnant women in my classes have shared their doubts around exercise. They’re worried about taking energy away from the baby, or triggering labour.

Now that I’m in my third pregnancy, I’m better at realizing what my body can handle. I remind myself that a happy mommy equals a happy baby: the endorphins that are released during my workout sessions, leaving me refreshed and content, are also washing over my baby.

And since I’m an eight-and-a-half months pregnant instructor, I’m teaching by example — reassuring the women in my classes that they don’t have to give up what they love just because they’re pregnant.

“Most women can and should exercise when pregnant — very few are unable and restricted,” says Dr. Frederic Engle, an OB/GYN at Mount Sinai Hospital. The exceptions are those who have bleeding conditions, placental conditions, or otherwise abnormal pregnancie­s. If you’re worried, talk to your doctor before you start a routine.

Julia Chipman, a midwife at Riverdale Community Midwives, agrees. “It is important to stay fit when pregnant,” she says. Experts recommend pregnant women get 30 minutes of moderate exercise four to seven days a week as it has tremendous benefits for both mother and baby.

If you haven’t worked out before, start at five minutes a day and work your way up. Exercise helps to ease and prevent back pain and boosts energy. And it reduces the risk of gestationa­l diabetes and high blood pressure.

Let’s not forget that giving birth is the equivalent to any sporting event. It becomes much easier with the increased strength and stamina that come from being fit.

A few cautions: Avoid contact sports, activities where there’s a risk of falling and moves that require you to lie on your back. And be cautious of overheatin­g. “Look out for dizziness and shortness of breath — those are signs to slow down,” says Chipman.

A good test is checking if you can carry on a conversati­on — if you can’t speak normally, ease up.

Your blood volume increases by 50 per cent when you’re pregnant, so it’s common to get out of breath sooner than before.

Activities particular­ly suited to pregnancy include swimming, rowing, cycling on a stationary bike, light weight training and walking. Prenatal yoga is also popular — if helps focus on making the childbirth muscles stronger and more flexible.

Plus, the benefits continue after delivery. Many women are afraid of losing their body and not being able to get it back after pregnancy. Working out can minimize excess weight gain, and increase your ability to regain your prebaby body more quickly.

It reduces the risk of postpartum depression, and increases the chance you’ll make fitness a lifelong habit.

 ?? COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR ?? Spinning instructor Anouk Malavoy rides her bike late in her pregnancy. She encourages other moms to keep fit.
COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR Spinning instructor Anouk Malavoy rides her bike late in her pregnancy. She encourages other moms to keep fit.
 ?? COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR ?? Light strength-training moves are fine while you’re pregnant. And exercise helps reduce the risk of gestationa­l diabetes and high blood pressure.
COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR Light strength-training moves are fine while you’re pregnant. And exercise helps reduce the risk of gestationa­l diabetes and high blood pressure.

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