Toronto Star




Take Me Home (Columbia/Sony)

(out of 4) Having never practised kissing my pillow while the image of Harry Styles dances inside my head and “What Makes You Beautiful” simpers away in the background in a bedroom slathered in One Direction posters, I am grossly unqualifie­d to offer an opinion on Take Me Home.

If I ever have a daughter, I pray that she has better taste by 11 or 12. This quintet of charming British and Irish teenagers, borne of the U.K. X Factor series, works from the standard boy-band playbook: danceable party tracks with sleepover- shaking choruses, “Girl, I been waitin’ for you” come-ons designed to wring maximum swoon from hormone-wracked adolescent girls and the odd teary-eyed ballad — but they do it with a reasonable amount of humour and with musical accompanim­ent that at least makes a nominal attempt to expand the genre’s instrument­al palette beyond whitewashe­d R&B. Pseudo-power ballads such as “Last First Kiss” and “Change My Mind” tend toward Bryan Adams at his most drearily sentimenta­l. Bouncier numbers like “Kiss You” and the damnably infectious “Back for You” recall the pristine clatter of Def Leppard circa Hysteria crossed with the boisterous 4/4 thump of contempora­ry dance-pop. The songs all sound more or less exactly the same, mind you, but there are clever little references to pop hits past — The Clash’s “Should I Stay (Or Should I Go)” on hit “Live While We’re Young,” for instance, or Queen’s “We Will Rock You” on “Rock Me.” Brit balladeer Ed Sheeran, who co-wrote “Moments” on 1D’s debut album, pitches in here with “Little Things” and “Over Again,” to provide some respite from the assembly-line fare.

Top track: “I Would.” The 1D lads feel terribly uncool chatting up a girl whose boyfriend has “27 tattoos.”

Ben Rayner

 ??  ?? Let the young ones’ screaming continue: One Direction is back with its second effort.
Let the young ones’ screaming continue: One Direction is back with its second effort.

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