Toronto Star


Though I’ve mentioned the eclipse in every forecast today, I’m aware that most readers won’t be able to see it. There will even be some in South America, New Zealand or Northern Australia who sleep through it or who don’t look out of the window long enoug

- JONATHAN CAINER Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

ARIES (March 21 — April 20) Some believe that every aspect of existence and creation has been planned, intended, meant to be. Others take a rather different view. All of a sudden, they say, there was a loud, random, Big Bang and we are all just dealing with the fallout from that. Yet when we stop to acknowledg­e an eclipse and witness the phenomenal beauty of such an event, it is hard, nay, almost impossible, to imagine that our world did not have a creator. Nor is this the only proof of a divine, benign, power that you will soon encounter. Discover what the historic eclipse means for you this week. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21) Don’t waste your day thinking about what could have been or should have been. Don’t become too concerned either, about what might happen next. Take your most optimistic, hopeful, view of current circumstan­ces and trust this. The eclipse, in your opposite sign, is urging you to wipe the slate clean and start again. Step forward in faith. Make a gesture of your own commitment to a more fulfilling future. Act as if you believe that nothing but good can possibly come of all that you are now so caught up in. I need to tell you about the powerful eclipse. Pick up the phone! 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22) Isn’t that the contract? Isn’t that your signature written in what we can only hope is red ink, at the bottom of a long piece of parchment? And the signature next to it? Well, that is hard to make out. Looks like a trident and a pair of horns. So you must have done a deal with the forces of darkness. Really? You haven’t? Ah, well. In that case, you need not expect terrible repercussi­ons, nor should you feel that you are obliged to spend the rest of your life making impossible sacrifices. Grant yourself a little more freedom today. There’s an exciting eclipse! Find out how it can touch your heart. Call 1-900-5288880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

CANCER (June 23 — July 23) Today’s eclipse can definitely be seen as a portent, an omen, a sign in the sky carrying a personal message for you. Nor is it really a very subtle indication. It is not a hint, a nuanced statement or a coded suggestion. It is effectivel­y a giant neon billboard, spelling out what might as well be the following words: “Will you please stop worrying, there really is no need!” Given the effort that the universe is going to in an attempt to convey this advice, it really might be considered very disrespect­ful of you, were you not to take it. Feel the power of this solar eclipse. For your new prediction call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23) There is an old saying, “The darkest hour is just before the dawn.” But is that always true? Sometimes the darkest hour is just before a solar eclipse. Somewhere in your world, you seem to be dealing with a light that is going out or a source of hope that is being unfairly withdrawn. It is only a temporary test, a passing problem. Sometimes it is only when we look long and hard at what has the potential to go wrong, that we can properly see how to set it straight and put it right. That is the blessed revelation that awaits you now. Let me tell you why this eclipse is so important for you now. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23) Be grateful for what is wrong. The coming eclipse brings you your much-needed opportunit­y to put it right. Be glad of what is annoying you. Now you can start to work out why you have been having a particular reaction and what is the most appropriat­e way to respond to it. Be especially thankful for the problem that you really don’t think you will ever be able to solve. Just imagine the delight you will experience when the way forward finally presents itself in an undeniably obvious and encouragin­g fashion. How will the incredible eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23) One moment, we think we understand something or someone. The next, we find ourselves looking with fresh eyes, thinking different thoughts, wrestling with implicatio­ns that seem obvious now we have had our attention drawn to them, yet to which we were gloriously oblivious just a short while ago. What are you now trying to make sense of? By the time this next eclipse is over, there will be many additional factors to take into account. It is time to prepare yourself for a rather valuable process of education. Turn the power of the solar eclipse to your advantage. Call me now! 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22) Here comes a solar eclipse in your sign. Here comes a time of tremendous opportunit­y. That is a time to start thinking very differentl­y, changing old ideas. Like a life prisoner, you have been restricted so much that you have begun to forget what freedom feels like. You can hardly remember how to see life from any perspectiv­e other than the one from which you are currently viewing it. You deserve better than that. And you are about to be reminded of a much more constructi­ve way to think about your own prospects. Want to know how the eclipse can solve your problems? Call me! 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21) How are you supposed to play the game when people keep changing the rules and moving the goal posts? You have to begin by recognizin­g that the name of the new game is, “let’s change the rules and move the goal posts!” And then, you need to set about changing some rules and moving a few goal posts of your own. But you need to do it subtly. At least as subtly as others who have being doing much the same thing. The eclipse is urging you to recognize opportunit­y within a situation that could be perceived as problemati­c. Let the mystic power of this eclipse change your life. Call me now! 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan.20) The eclipse obliges you to look again at some of the people that you spend a lot of time with or who comprise “a society” of which you consider yourself to be a part. It is happening in a part of your chart that once governed “companions with similar interests” and now, probably, says more about “Facebook issues.” How are you being seen? How are you tending to see someone else? It is time to lower a misleading mask and to raise a carefully placed veil, so that something closer to the truth can be seen. I need to tell you how the amazing eclipse will touch your life. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19) What if a relationsh­ip counsellor is married to another relationsh­ip counsellor? Who will they go to see if they have problems with their marriage? What if a judge is accused of breaking the law and has to be tried by another judge? What if... Look, I’m not just asking all these awkward questions just for the sake of it, there are difficult discussion­s to be held now. The eclipse suggests that a perplexing conundrum is arising. Nobody knows the best way to resolve this. You may as well trust your own best guess. Discover what the potent power of the eclipse means for you. Call 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20) If you want to know what’s really going on, imagine you work in the demolition industry. You have recently set out to destroy some ugly concrete monstrosit­y. You have cleared the area, put the dynamite in position and pressed the big red button. As the smoke clears from the explosion, you realize the thing is still standing. That’s roughly where you are now with regard to a difficulty or obstacle. But you should still stand well back. The next slight gust of wind will blow the whole thing over! And that is what the eclipse is about to do. How will the stunning eclipse change your life? Pick up the phone! 1-900-528-8880. (On a cell, press # then 5486.).

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