Toronto Star

On helps, but experience is essential


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Then came his light-bulb moment. Why not create a tool that offered better career informatio­n for high-school students? He and his friend Matt McQuillen founded Career Cruising, a Toronto-based company devoted to creating interactiv­e software to guide teenagers through their career options. That was 1997.

Today, Career Cruising has grown to 45 employees. High-school students in every province and U.S. state use its software. In Kentucky, Career Cruising has been fully integrated into the curriculum. Students from Grade 6 to12 develop a plan that will weave their career interests into their academic learning. They are accountabl­e for following the plan.

Last year, Career Cruising teamed up with another Canadian success story, The Real Game. It is a role-playing exercise geared toward middle-school students. They assume characters in make-believe scenarios, playing out the consequenc­es of their career choices.

Phil Jarvis, a longtime career educator, has refined and promoted the Real Game for many years. He says it gives children permission to dream about their future and imagine themselves as adults.

“It becomes very clear to them that if any of these things they would really like to have in the future are going to be possible, there are some things they’re going to have to do in the present to get there.”

If The Real Game is about self-discovery, Career Cruising gets down to actual jobs. It connects teens’ interests with up-todate career informatio­n. A 15-year-old who is curious about working as an aircraft mechanic can read an interview with one, learn about the skills required, working conditions, earnings and the career path to becoming one.

“Once someone knows what they want to do, once they see a future for themselves that they’re excited about, they’re a different person,” says Harris. “You can give them purpose in school — right now.” THE QUESTION IS, does good informatio­n alone launch a teenager on a career path? Meijers believes informatio­n is useful, but only when young people are ready for it.

“They make use of the informatio­n but only after they have made the choice on a gut level.”

Meijers says the indispensa­ble ingredient is experience.

He compares making a career choice to finding a romantic partner. We don’t begin by reading up on the conditions of the relationsh­ip market. We start by dating, by gaining experience. For a student to make a career decision that is “heartfelt and lasting, you need to create opportunit­ies for experienti­al learning — especially in the workplace.”

High school students crave hands-on experience, according to the research of Peter Dietsche of the University of Toronto’s Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). He recently conducted focus groups with Grade10 students in Ontario. “Once they identified potential career opportunit­ies, they wanted to be able to validate their interest and the reality of that career by actually going out and experienci­ng it.”

This is known as “work tasting.” It might be job-shadowing, workplace visits, volunteeri­ng or talking to somebody who is actually employed in an occupation to get an insider’s view.

The most effective work tasting is a coop placement of many weeks on a job site. It is a chance to try things out, to solve problems posed by adults who are neither teachers nor parents. It is also an opportunit­y to learn the soft skills that employers value highly, such as punctualit­y, comportmen­t and clear communicat­ion.

The beauty of a co-op program is that it gives teenagers a chance to find out what they don’t want as much as what they do.

Co-op placements act as bridges to a larger world at a time when adolescent­s yearn for independen­ce. That may account for the high rating that co-op students give their experience. Unfortunat­ely fewer than 20 per cent of high school students enrol in co-op or youth apprentice­ship programs, according to a national survey of guidance counsellor­s.

There are some common explanatio­ns for this. There is a stigma attached to co-op programs. Parents, fellow students and teachers dismiss them as an easy credit for low academic achievers.

The course-credit system also poses an obstacle. Students meeting the course requiremen­ts for university entrance often find it difficult to fit a co-op into their timetable.

All this is a lost opportunit­y, one that would lead to clearer career decisions. But there is a remedy. Make co-ops a compulsory credit. Education ministries might set a series of intermedia­te targets for schools to meet as a transition­al step, but the goal should be full participat­ion.

CAREER EDUCATIONi­n Canada needs to improve. It is on the radar of most provincial department­s of education. But like all things educationa­l in Canada, it is a patchwork — fragmented by provincial jurisdicti­on.

In some provinces, career studies courses are mandatory. However, an estimated one-third of schools across the country do not require students to take a career studies course.

Even where courses are mandatory, a good policy may get lost through poor execution. Take Ontario, for example. Grade10 high school students must take a half-credit career studies course. But according to Greg Murray, a career educator with the Halton Industry Education Council, the course is “often delivered by teachers filling out their timetables, rounding it out. They don’t have real expertise in it.”

There are many places to put the blame for young adults who find themselves without a career plan

The lack of expertise may also be true for the person most responsibl­e for delivering career services in schools — the guidance counsellor. Only in Quebec must guidance counsellor­s meet certified standards in the field of career developmen­t.

Generally speaking, profession­s adopt standards to ensure clients a level of competence, knowledge and ethical behaviour. Canadian career developmen­t profession­als, that is, those who operate outside the school system, are moving in this direction. It is time guidance counsellor­s did the same.

In 2009, a study for the Canada Millennium Scholarshi­p Foundation found other unsettling gaps in the delivery of career education in schools.

Guidance counsellor­s spent too much time on non-guidance activities such as administra­tion. In the worst case, Saskatchew­an guidance teachers reported that they spent 47 per cent of their time on paperwork.

Even when guidance counsellor­s found time to help students, they were spread thin. In Ontario, each guidance counsellor serves about 400 students. In some provinces, the number is higher. Students told OISE’s Dietsche that they went to guidance counsellor­s for course selection, but rarely for career guidance.

“A lot of students had difficulty access- ing counsellor­s,” Dietsche says.

The Millennium study also found that schools were falling short in helping parents understand career choices. Only one-third of schools offered career education workshops for parents.

Parents and their children deserve better on every count.

THERE ARE PLENTY of places to put the blame for young adults who find themselves adrift, without a career plan, once they’ve completed their education. Some of it must rest squarely on the shoulders of the young. Chalk up some of it to early adulthood being a time of tasting what life has to offer, a time when young adults try on different roles and experience­s to learn about themselves.

But there are two other possibilit­ies for career drift: paralysis and not wanting to repeat their parents’ mistakes.

Linda Duxbury says young adults are recoiling from their parents’ lives. Duxbury is a professor at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University and a keen observer of the generation­al difference­s in the workplace.

The way young adults see it, she says, “my mother’s got a drinking problem. My dad’s on psychotrop­ic drugs. My parents got divorced. Why would I want their life? Why would I want to give my soul to you so that you can downsize me in six months? I don’t think so.”

Meanwhile, Mark Franklin, a career-developmen­t practition­er in Toronto, has spoken to hundreds of young adults who are paralyzed because they feel, incorrectl­y, that they have to make a decision “for the rest of their life.”

That’s why the advice of the Halton Industry Education Council in Ontario is worth heeding. HIEC has been the linchpin of career education in the Burlington area for more than two decades.

Michelle Murray, its director of operations, says the council tells kids “it’s all about the journey, and that your career path is not a direct line. It’s just really letting them know that you can change your mind over time. You are not committing to something in Grade 11 that you’re going to need to see through until you’re 65. Explore and get to know all your options.”

In other words, get experience. Neil Sandell spent a year writing and researchin­g the issue of youth unemployme­nt as part of the Atkinson Fellowship in Public Policy. Follow Sandell on Twitter: @youngnjobl­ess. His website is youngandjo­

 ?? NICK KOZAK FOR THE TORONTO STAR ?? y Education Council, where kids are told “it’s about the journey.”
NICK KOZAK FOR THE TORONTO STAR y Education Council, where kids are told “it’s about the journey.”
 ?? COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR ?? Co-op programs let students like Maggie gain experience.
COLIN MCCONNELL/TORONTO STAR Co-op programs let students like Maggie gain experience.

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