Toronto Star


For The Week Ahead

- JONATHAN CAINER Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by

Chinese New Year is “late” this year. It is always triggered by the annual New Moon in Aquarius and in 2013, that doesn’t happen till Feb. 10. Meanwhile, this week, you’ll see the waxing Moon offering those with binoculars a good chance to see Tycho and Copernicus, two of her most impressive craters. If you do borrow some glasses, look out also for Jupiter, an hour or two before midnight, against the visible constellat­ion of Taurus in the sector of the ecliptic that astrologer­s call Gemini. With a little Jupiterian luck you’ll see the great “red spot.”

ARIES (March 21 — April 20) Acquired tastes give us more satisfacti­on each time we indulge in them. When we have taught ourselves to like something or someone, we take pride as well as pleasure. You’re not keen on a certain experience now. Probably the last thing you want to hear me say is, “I wonder if you could ever come to develop a tolerance, or even an enthusiasm for this?” But I’m saying it for reasons you’ll yet soon understand and even appreciate. Make the most of your opportunit­ies. In your latest, in-depth four-minute forecast, I’ve got inspiring news. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 20) A key situation may not be ideal, but it’s a lot better than nothing. Remember the saying about the bird in the hand, and appreciate what’s before you. As a long-term propositio­n, this may seem unacceptab­le — but much is due to change dramatical­ly for the better. You’re looking now at a real promise of better times. They just can’t all come at once. Think in terms of “stepping stones,” and that’s precisely what your reluctant choices all turn out to create. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! In your latest forecast, I’ll tell you some- thing very helpful. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22) Whenever we feel we understand where our life is taking us to we are in danger of making an arrogant error. Forget your preconceiv­ed ideas about what this week holds in store — especially if you are pessimisti­c. Something amazing is about to happen. You are going to experience a great deal of justified enthusiasm for a delightful­ly different future. As we get further into the year, despite all the drama of a recent conflict, you are yet going to see something that truly, deeply inspires you. Auspicious alignments insist good times must come soon. Let me tell you more in your latest forecast. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

CANCER (June 22 — July 23) How good are you? Better than you think! Sometimes, you think you are not so good. In one way, that’s true. You can be better still, if you really set your mind to it. Still, even at your less-than-best, you are better than most. You may be wondering why I am dedicating so much of your forecast to a pep talk. Or, perhaps, being as smart as you are, you have already worked it out. Nothing need knock your confidence now. Just trust yourself this week!

Knowledge is power. Let me tell you how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — August 23) People who think of themselves as dangerous rarely are. Not so people who think of themselves as powerless. Those who claim to be vulnerable or helpless, usually have a surprising­ly large amount of influence. They just don’t recognize the extent of their own ability. Somewhere in your world now, someone needs to alter their self-image and see the intensity of their own strength. Might that very someone be reading this, right now? Nothing is hopeless. If you want good news, let me give you your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23) How about a change of scenery? If it is actually possible to go somewhere new and different, maybe you should. If not, you can improve the view just by altering your position in relation to the window. Instead of pressing your nose to the glass, stand back and absorb a wider picture. Change your viewpoint and change, too, your expectatio­n of what exists to be seen. There’s much more potential in your situation than you currently perceive. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! I’ve got good news in your latest, in-depth forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23) We all like to feel we have a successful strategy — a plan we can fall back on, a policy we can feel sure of. Often, to make sure we are being as smart as possible, we spend time thinking things through. If we think too hard, we risk creating confusion. It is so important to be flexible. You could argue that, simply by summoning the attributes of flexibilit­y, you are doing all you need to do. This week, if you want to be really clever, you’ll just adapt. Curious to know more? I’ve got heart-warming news in your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22) Our heroes and heroines can rarely do wrong in our eyes. Once we have elevated them, we become deeply reluctant to demote them. We can be similarly romantic about friends, companions, family members. If we respect them ever, we respect them forever. Yet we are all human. None of us is impeccable or infallible. Don’t be horrified by this week’s challenge to a seemingly perfect reputation, just be accepting and understand­ing. There’s a vital discovery to be made. Don’t fear the future. Understand it, embrace it — even change it if you wish. I explain how in your latest forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec. 21) “Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it.” — Mahatma Gandhi. When we are children, we encounter adults who make us feel even smaller than we already are. We remember this and as grown ups, we still see some as bigger than we are. We imagine they have an authority we can never attain. Maybe someone does have some real power over you. Even so, you should see this individual as your equal and stop questionin­g your judgment this week. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Allow me to inspire you in your latest fourminute forecast. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20) There are some things that we do not need to supply or create. They occur naturally in abundance. Pressure is self-generating and self-replenishi­ng. No matter how much we have, we can always have more. No matter how little there seems to be, we are assured that some will come along before too long. Your life now contains vast amounts of “dynamic tension.” Try your best not to add to it! You’re on a journey that gradually leads from tricky to profitable. Try not to worry. Just relax. Success is a matter of attitude. And timing. I can help you with both in your fourminute forecast. Change everything. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19) People born under your sign are much envied for their ability to be analytical, clever and distanced from the emotional considerat­ions that overwhelm others. You, though, often wish you could be more spontaneou­s. Instead of taking pride in your great gift, you feel embarrasse­d by it. Sometimes, you try to shut down your common sense. You refuse to listen to it, in the hope that then you will be able to do something truly wild. This week though, your insight is your key to success. Don’t ignore it; follow it. Life is for living. Live yours to the full. I’ve got helpful advice and pleasing news in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20) Others have no idea how hard you work. They don’t appreciate the effort or the care you apply to even the smallest matter. You are a perfection­ist and you don’t care how much it takes to give your best. You either go the whole way, with all of your heart or you don’t bother going. There are times when all this seems to work against you but it is a tendency that is due to pay big rewards. Be fastidious. Be determined too. You will yet be surprising­ly successful. Get more out of your week. In your latest, in-depth fourminute forecast, I’ve got encouragin­g news. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cellphone # 5486.)

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