Toronto Star

Black students suspended at higher rate than whites

Board searching for answers after skewed numbers at Toronto high schools revealed in 2006-07 data


Black students were three times more likely to be suspended than white students in the 2006-07 school year, according to data released to the Star by the Toronto District School Board.

Black students made up only about 12 per cent of high school students in the Toronto public board — about 32,000 — yet accounted for more than 31 per cent of all suspension­s. White students accounted for some 29 per cent of suspension­s, but made up nearly one-third of the entire student body.

This disproport­ionate rate was re- vealed in a board analysis of a student survey conducted at the height of a much-criticized — and now scrapped — provincial zero-tolerance school disciplina­ry regime. The analysis is based on the most recent data available connecting race and suspension rates.

The board says statistics from its latest 2011-12 census will be released in the next couple of months.

“I’m hopeful the new data will reveal less of a discrepanc­y, but these numbers show we need to pay greater attention to why a disproport­ionate percentage of black students are being suspended,” education director Donna Quan said Thursday. “I believe our schools follow the standards of discipline evenly, but we need to address the root causes of these issues at an earlier age.

“Are students bored? Are they hungry? Are there home factors like poverty? Are they acting out because lessons are not relevant to their lives?” asked Quan, adding she was concerned about aboriginal students’ high suspension rates.

As well, a higher percentage of students of colour are identified as having special education needs, she noted. “If frustratio­n sets in, that’s when discipline issues can arise.”

It appears the data has not previously been released in the format provided to the Star, and it is not available on the board’s website. The Star requested the analysis early this year. The survey figures show: For the 2006-07 school year, suspension rates were highest for aboriginal students, followed by black and mixed-race students.

Asian groups had the lowest suspension rates.

One of every seven black grades 7 and 8 students reported being suspended at least once. The ratio was slightly lower for high school.

One of every 20 white grades 7 and 8 students reported being suspended at least once, a rate that also dropped slightly for high school.

The statistics stem from the settlement in a human rights complaint stipulatin­g the board had to collect and analyze race-based suspension data by the 2006-07 school year. The province changed its approach to conduct in 2008 to give principals more discretion over which students were suspended, and to promote prevention over punishment.

In grades 7 and 8, black students make up 15 per cent of the schools’ population, but represent 37 per cent of suspension­s. “For years, we heard black students were suspended more often, but now that we have evidence, what will be meaningful is what the board and teachers and parents and the community do together to address the problem,” noted York University Prof. Carl James, a specialist on issues facing black students. James believes “principals and teachers need to become aware of the social and cultural and economic situation the students face.” “Are there stereotype­s operating here? Does the principal not pay attention to a family situation that might have triggered an incident?” wondered James, who is part of a conference Friday in Toronto on youth justice issues. “If the principal doesn’t know about a student’s situation — maybe they’re late because they had to get up early to take their brother to school — and the principal is not saying, ‘What can I do to help?’ then this is a worry,” said James. A demographi­c snapshot for the board, to which James contribute­d, shows a struggling community. Black students are less likely to live in a two-parent family than the board average, and their parents are less likely to have attended university. Many live in poverty, in households earning less than $30,000, or between $30,000 and $49,999. While most said they feel safe at school and believe teachers set high expectatio­ns and accept them, only 54 per cent said they “feel supported by teachers,” according to the 2006 census survey. As to school rules, just 42 per cent of students with a Caribbean background said they were applied fairly, versus 48 per cent of West African students and 53 per cent of East African students. Overall, the board average was 62 per cent. In recent years, the Toronto board recognized black students weren’t doing as well and were dropping out at a higher rate than others. Once pegged at about 40 per cent, their dropout rate is now down to about 23 per cent, Quan said. The board has responded in various ways, from opening a special “Africentri­c” school to offering courses on black history and creating mentoring groups, in particular for black boys.

 ??  ?? TDSB education director Donna Quan says the root causes of suspension­s must be addressed at an earlier age.
TDSB education director Donna Quan says the root causes of suspension­s must be addressed at an earlier age.

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