Toronto Star

Matzo bake in the park celebrates Passover

Bread is mixed, rolled, and baked in 18 minutes


The warm, heady aroma of baking matzo will soon be drifting through Dufferin Grove Park, as it always does this time of year, with the community celebratin­g Passover in a unique way. And yes, everyone is invited. You don’t have to be Jewish. Since 1998, moms, dads and kids have been visiting the park on the east side of Dufferin St. south of Bloor St. to bake the unleavened bread in an open oven. This year it all takes place on Sunday from noon until 3 p.m. “It’s a great time,” says Mitch Davis, who has been one of the organizers for the last six years. “And the matzo, warm, right out of the flames, is just fantastic.” He says the event has no overt religious overtones, but if people are “curious” to what is going on there’s always somebody available to answer their questions. Above all, you don’t have to be a master chef. Materials and instructio­ns are provided with Sunflower Kitchen providing a variety of dips. Coffee is supplied by Ezra’s Pound Café. Mitch says the cooking of the matzo is fun, as many people attempt to mix, knead, roll and bake the bread within 18 minutes. The time limit is in keeping with a traditiona­l belief that flour — when it comes in contact with water — will rise (become leavened) after that amount of time. He says some people roll the dough thin, creating crispy bread, but if you roll it a bit thicker it’s a bit softer. “It’s whatever you like,” says Davis. Passover commemorat­es the story of the Exodus, in which the Israelites escaped from slavery in ancient Egypt. Passover runs from March 25 to April 2 and during that time the Jewish community is forbidden to eat food that is leavened. “It’s a family day, mainly,” he says. “It’s just people meeting other people, but it’s definitely a tradition. The playground isn’t right where the stove is, but the kids run to it anyway.” The park has become a focal point for the community with a skating rink, an organic farmers’ market and regular camp fires. For the matzo bake, meet in Dufferin Grove Park at the south side of the rink house near the north end of the Park. Suggested donation is $5 to $10 per person.

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