Toronto Star

PC leader is ‘excited’ Doug Ford seeks to run


Ontario Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Leader Tim Hudak says he’s ready to drive a Ford. But with Toronto Councillor Doug Ford talking about running for the Tories in Etobicoke North, the PC leader telegraphe­d a friendly warning to the man who is the high-profile sidekick to his younger brother, Mayor Rob Ford. “I’m quite happy with my deputy leader right now in Christine Elliott,” Hudak told reporters with a chuckle Thursday. The Tory leader said he’s “excited to have Doug potentiall­y on board” for the next provincial election and a shot at defeating Premier Kathleen Wynne’s minority Liberals. Asked if he’s concerned the outspoken Ford might be a loose cannon, Hudak said he admires his energy. “He’s driven and what is he driven to do? Well, to make sure that you actually show some respect for taxpayers,” he added. “If you want to see a gong show here at Queen’s Park look at the decisions around the gas plants, look at the billion dollars that was blown to save Liberal seats and the cover-up of informatio­n,” he said.

Ford has yet to file any nomination papers for the Tories in Etobicoke North, an area his father, Doug Ford Sr., represente­d from 1995 to 1999 under former premier Mike Harris. The riding is now held by Liberal MPP Dr. Shafiq Qaadri, who easily beat a Tory challenger in the 2011 provincial election.

Sources at city hall say Ford has leadership ambitions should Hudak not become premier after the next election.

A new poll by Forum Research suggests Hudak has ground to make up in the Greater TorontoHam­ilton area.

The survey of 1,491 residents found 36 per cent would vote Liberal if an election were held now, 31 per cent Conservati­ve and 25 per cent NDP, with Liberal support highest at 43 per cent in the 416 area code.

The interactiv­e voice response telephone survey, taken between March 28 and April 3, is considered accurate plus or minus three percentage points 19 times out of 20.

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