Toronto Star

Readers’ letters: short and sweet


Re Duffy insists he has repaid $90,000, April 20

So Mike Duffy says: “I am a man of my word.” How about adding: “and do not lie” with a straight face?

It’s unbelievab­le that an intelligen­t man such as Duffy is unable to distinguis­h between a primary and a secondary residence. Shame on Mr. Duffy. He got caught and was then forced to give back to fellow Canadians just over $90,000 of ill-gotten money. Lucky for him, he still gets to keep his senatorial job and all the perks that go with it. Aquil Ali, Toronto

Re This is no part-time job, Editorial April 22

You don’t give Mayor Rob Ford enough credit by calling his work on the phone conversing with constituen­ts that of a head receptioni­st. He’s campaignin­g for next election on the taxpayer’s dime.

Pam Callus, Courtice

Re Editorial cartoon, April 21

Thanks, Greg Perry, for a lovely tribute to Rita MacNeil. We will miss her lovely voice and gentle spirit.

Norma Kent, Whitby

Re A taste of controvers­y, April 20

First it was horsemeat and then seal meat. In some areas of Southeast Asia, dog meat is regular fare; in Japan, dolphin meat is acceptable, and in the Far East, eating the brains of a still live monkey is a great delicacy. Why not recipes for these dishes?

Margaret Ann Johnson, Toronto

The article about seal hunting that included a recipe turned my stomach. Completely disgusting and made me cringe. I love my country but I am disgusted that this bludgeonin­g goes on.

Olivia Duncan, Maple

Re Ottawa slams proposed U.S. border crossing fee, April 23

So the U.S. may charge Canadians a toll to enter? Wonderful. This will help counterbal­ance Stephen Harper’s increase in duty-free allowances, and discourage us from shopping in American cities. Canadian stores, at least, should welcome it.

Andy Turnbull, Toronto

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