Toronto Star

Eliminate risk and get help for growling dog


Q: Our Labrador retriever-cross is 10 months old. She has always been a bit nervous. Still, it surprised us when she growled at a friend’s baby. We shrugged it off, but it happened again when other guests came over. Some say that this is a passing phase. I am concerned it might eventually escalate to a bite. We took her to puppy socializat­ion classes and daycare, both of which ended several months ago. She also had a trainer that came to the house. Do we wait things out to see if things settle or get help right away?

A: The short answer is get help right away when a dog growls. When treated early, behaviour problems are often quick and easy to fix. While this might be a temporary fear period, the risk of a “wait and see” strategy is simply too high.

Waiting allows fears to escalate. If a bite occurs, authoritie­s often become involved. Decisions about the dog could be taken out of an owner’s hands. Dogs with a nervous temperamen­t particular­ly need early interventi­on. Anxious and shy dogs already need extra help in order to overcome the underlying anxiety. Extensive socializat­ion needs to continue, constantly reminding the dog that the world is a safe and happy place.

Growls, while scary, function as a beneficial early warning system. Far more dangerous is the dog that bites without warning.

A growl is similar to a person saying, “Spiders scare me, please move that one away.”

If the spider comes closer, protests escalate to yelling and swearing. Eventually the spider is killed. Anxiety and aggression are different sides of the same coin.

This same progressio­n happens in dogs if warnings go unheeded and fears are not addressed. Growls lead to bites in the air — a dog’s version of swearing. Bites that make contact happen when the dog can take no more.

Growls are a clear indication that help is required. The sooner help arrives, the better.

Q: I have worked from home for the past eight years. Our beagle has had constant human companions­hip during that time. I will be returning to the outside workforce.

The long stretches of alone time will probably be tough on her. Our dog walker will come to give her breaks and exercise. What else can we do to ease the transition? A: Gradually recreating a new work schedule in advance is the ideal strategy. This way, the dog can adjust without undue pressure. Begin with short absences that the dog tolerates well. Make a point of going out, without your dog, every day. Gradually extend the length of time, building up to the expected schedule. Do not worry if you fail to reach your goal of a full-day absence. Many dog walkers are willing to help owners with these types of transition­s. Initially, the walker might come early in the day, and then again in the afternoon. Visits are delayed by half an hour each week until the dog receives one walk at noon, and the second walk is eliminated. Other strategies can also help. Provide enrichment activities such as a safe treat-dispensing toy. You can also try hiding biscuits around the house so the dog can enjoy searching for them. These types of activities help create a positive experience and reduce boredom. Try playing music. Classical music, specifical­ly Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” or “The Blue Danube Waltz” by Strauss is said to have a calming effect on dogs. Finally, keep arrivals and departures calm and relaxed. Excitable greetings can exaggerate the contrast between having someone home versus being all alone. Yvette Van Veen is an animal behaviour consultant. Write her at advice@awesomedog­

 ?? DREAMSTIME PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON ?? Growling: an early warning system.
DREAMSTIME PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON Growling: an early warning system.
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