Toronto Star

The GTA’s transit funding dilemma


Re Seeking transit traction with Ford, April 30 One can’t fail to notice that the proposed taxes are heavily weighted against the car drivers, and though I am not a driver, I sympathize with the enormous expense a car can be. Then there is the obvious fact that no one likes taxes. We citizens are very skeptical that our tax dollars will go to good and proper use (an expired hand sanitizer anyone?).

I do, however, believe that a lot of us want better transit and are willing to pay. The city should start a transit fund “drive” (pardon the pun). I don’t have a lot of money but I would be willing to donate $100 per year for the next 10 years to build our transit system. I think a lot of Torontonia­ns would, too.

I’m a TTC user; this will benefit me directly and my city in general. It may not pay for it all but, if even 10 per cent of the GTA population participat­ed, we could put a nice dent in the cost. Then the burden isn’t put so heavily on drivers and there are less taxes. A win-win.

Allison Ringer, Toronto There is no traction, folks. Toronto city councillor­s are so petty and divided they should be barred from any further GTA planning. Let Metrolinx — the people who know — get the job done. Markus Humby, Burlington Re Build it and they may not come, April 29 This excellent column should be a must-read for politician­s, tax-fighters, enviros, transit users and taxpayers. We can — and still do — squander both money and opportunit­ies with enough consistenc­y that it’s almost a tradition.

Hamish Wilson, Toronto City hall still doesn’t get it. If Toronto wants expanded transit, it must pay for it. With the lowest property taxes in Ontario (per dollar value), Toronto should raise these taxes to satisfy their needs. We in the hinterland have no public transit worth the name; therefore we must not be obliged to pay for Toronto’s transit system. That’s simple and logical. Tell the Toronto council. Maybe they’ll begin to understand.

Charles Hooker, East Garafraxa

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