Toronto Star

The invisible impact of anorexia on men

It may be considered a woman’s disorder, but thousands of males also suffer from it


It’s a tight squeeze even now for the tattoo that’s emerging in outline down the length of Jay Walker’s thin but well-muscled arm, video-game-themed artwork on parchment-thin skin.

“People call me lean now,” admits Walker, who, at six foot one, weighs in at 165 pounds.

Three years ago, the fitness and health instructor was 35 pounds lighter, and suffering the hidden malady of male anorexia. “I had a full-blown eating disorder,” says Walker, now 25. Long linked to body image anxieties, to the airbrushed photos of impossibly shaped models that bedeck magazine stands the continent over, anorexia has been thought of almost exclusivel­y as a condition of women and girls.

“The situation is different from what most people think,” says Dr. Blake Woodside, medical director of Toronto General Hospital’s eating disorders program. “In the community, there is about one male case for every three female cases of anorexia.”

“The situation is different from what most people think. . . . There is about one male case for every three female cases of anorexia.” DR. BLAKE WOODSIDE TORONTO GENERAL HOSPITAL

He says three recent studies, one in Ontario and two in the U.S., have each shown this surprising community prevalence. But it’s not a ratio that is even remotely seen in Woodside’s clinic, where only about one in 20 patients are men or boys. And it’s not seen there, experts say, because the condition is often invisible — to friends, to family, to physicians, and to the afflicted men themselves. Anorexia, also called anorexia nervosa, is characteri­zed by dramatic weight loss, preoccupat­ion with weight and food, and often organ damage. People see the emaciation, the fatigue, the social withdrawal, Woodside says. “But neither the men themselves nor the people around them think they are at risk.” Indeed, even physicians are liable to miss a male anorexia diagnosis because of the perception that it’s a female disorder, says Merryl Bear, director of the National Eating Disorder Informatio­n Centre. “Many health-care providers misidentif­y or don’t even identify eating disorders in females,” Bear says. “And they are much less likely to even have the thought that the male in front of them might be experienci­ng one.” WALKER’S CONDITION, which began in his teens, went unrecogniz­ed by his physicians. “I’d go in and get a regular checkup,” he says. “I’d have very low weight, very low heart rate, and they’d ask me if I was abusing some sort of drug.” With a one-in-1,000 rate of male anorexia nervosa in the country, thousands of Canadian men and boys are suffering and even dying undiagnose­d, Woodside says. For women, the rate is four in every thousand. But the social, psychologi­cal and genetic reasons that men and women slip into the disorder are surprising­ly similar, says Woodside, who is also a professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto. Certainly, he says, the desired body images differ: men often prefer muscular, V-shaped torsos, while women want a taut and slender shape. But both these ideals demand ridiculous­ly low body mass indexes, Woodside says. Men might begin dieting for different reasons than women, such as to fit into a team sport environmen­t, but the basic psychology of hyper-dieting is shared between the sexes, Woodside says. “The underlying sequence, which is that something is troubling the person and they have to try and do something about it, is very much the same.”

Woodside says dieting becomes a means of taking control of something, anything, in a life fraught with anxiety.

For Walker, swings between bingeing and extreme dieting and exercise were his chosen means of battling his anxieties. His feelings of diminished control, always present in his life, were elevated when he came out as gay at age 14 and faced predictabl­e reactions from friends and schoolmate­s.

“For me, it was always a control thing,” says Walker, whose health and fitness schooling had made him a nutrition expert.

By age19, he had a problem. “It was extreme amounts of exercise, eating very little, and it eventually got to the point where I was bingeing and purging on a daily basis.”

Woodside says there is no scientific evidence that anorexia in men is linked to their sexual orientatio­n.

There is evidence, however, that dieting is increasing­ly common among men in general.

“And that will put increasing numbers of men at risk because that dieting is the environmen­tal toxic . . . event that can activate people’s genetic liability to develop these conditions.”

GENETICS is what causes people to slide down the scale from dieting and weight loss to anorexia, Woodside says.

“I’m going to link it to another condition that has a similar sequence that people will be more familiar with. Lots of people take a drink; some people develop alcoholism. And our best understand­ing about why some people develop alcoholism is because they are geneticall­y predispose­d, geneticall­y loaded, to develop alcoholism.”

As for the physiologi­cal effects of anorexia, both sexes suffer equally, Woodside says. Mood disorders, osteoporos­is, heart arrhythmia­s, kidney failure and mortality rates around 15 per cent are common to both sexes, Woodside says. The age range is also similar, with 50 per cent getting sick before age 18.

“The only difference is that men tend to show up a little bit more sick and tend to do a little bit better in treatment than women do,” Woodside says.

The more successful recovery rates for men may go back to the differing social pressures placed on the sexes, he says.

“It might be that fewer men are heavily invested in chronic dieting behaviours than women, and the notion of weight loss being an attractive thing is less common in men.”

Walker, who entered an outpatient eating disorder program in his early 20s, says he’s been fully recovered for a year and a half.

 ?? DAVID COOPER/TORONTO STAR ?? Jay Walker, 25, says his anorexia began as a teen, but doctors would note his low weight and ask if he was using drugs.
DAVID COOPER/TORONTO STAR Jay Walker, 25, says his anorexia began as a teen, but doctors would note his low weight and ask if he was using drugs.

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