Toronto Star

Areas of city where discarded needles reported,

Data on discarded syringes shows highest incidence in Scarboroug­h


When the discarded syringe pierced deep into her heel, Danielle Monk was grateful for one thing — that it wasn’t her 2-year-old son, Nolan, who stepped on the soiled needle in a Toronto park.

In that same split-second, Monk’s dream of having found refuge from the drugs, shootings and crime downtown was shattered.

“My husband and I realized we didn’t want to raise our son in Parkdale,” said Monk. “So when we visited Mimico three years ago, and saw the beauty and tranquilit­y of the neighbourh­ood, we decided to move there.” She calls Mimico her “Eden on the lake” — at least she used to.

The 26-year-old mother stepped on the needle on Aug. 6, while playing with Nolan in Norris Crescent Parkette, behind their small apartment.

“As soon as I stepped on it, I just grabbed the needle, threw it in the trash and grabbed my son,” she said. “I then rushed to the ER where I ended up waiting for four hours before I could even see someone.” She has avoided the park ever since. “I’m just furious this has happened somewhere that kids play,” Monk said. “There are generation­s of the same families that have grown up here who say they’ve all seen an increase in drug use in the neighbourh­ood.”

That conclusion is supported by 18 months of data on discarded syringe-related reports to the city’s 311 service line, obtained by the Star through a freedom of informatio­n request.

Some 137 requests were submitted to the 311 help centre between January 2012 and June 6, 2013, resulting in the recovery of 571 discarded needles from Toronto parks, sidewalks and alleys. The number may actually be higher, as the Star lowballed the total due to vague estimation­s in many of the requests.

The number of needles reported in Ward 6 — which incorporat­es Mimico — increased from one last year to five so far this year, not including the one Monk stepped on. The Etobicoke-Lakeshore ward ranks seventh for the most needle-related 311 reports of 44 city wards.

The highest numbers were in Scarboroug­h-Agincourt, where 200 needles were found, and York South-Weston, with 104. But in these cases, the reports suggest the needles were found in an abandoned con- tainer, so they may be anomalies.

Toronto Centre-Rosedale wards experience­d the most reports, resulting in the recovery of 57 needles.

Residents are encouraged to call 311 to report discarded needles. A service request is issued to various divisions de- pending on whether the needles were found on private or public property.

Readers can explore the data set through our interactiv­e dashboard, or download the data for offline analysis.

James Dann, manager of waterfront parks, called the discovery in Norris Crescent Parkette highly unusual.

“There are only needles found in that park once or twice a year,” said Dann. “We’d expect them more in parks like Allan Gardens and Moss Park that are closer to halfway houses, shelters and needle exchanges in the downtown core.”

Dann acknowledg­ed parks staff are finding an increasing number of syringes.

But Matt Johnson, who works at a downtown needle exchange, said the situation is being blown out of proportion. “If one needle gets found in a park — sure, it’s a scary thing — but people will get incredibly angry and incredibly fearful about what is likely a one-off thing,” he said.

Johnson adds it is not just the middleand upper-class demographi­c that get angry about it.

“There were some young people who left syringes in a downtown park,” he said. “And it was actually a large number of homeless people who use the park, sleep in the park, let their dogs play there, that complained about it.”

Many in the community are also users, but they expect everyone to dispose of their needles in a responsibl­e way, Johnson said, adding drug users often only dump their needles if they think they’re about to be searched by police. Even then, they’ll try to put them out of harm’s way.

“I volunteere­d to do needle sweeps in Parkdale a number of years ago,” he recalls. “And we’d find that users would try to not put needles in open areas; we’d find them behind loose bricks and inside poles.”

Nonetheles­s Johnson, a user of hard drugs himself since he was 14, said the homeless and down-and-out are an easy scapegoat. Ian de Souza agrees.

The local musician recalls looking out of an upstairs window in his house near Trinity Bellwoods Park and seeing a black SUV idling outside with two respectabl­elooking men inside. “I could see one of

One drug user believes the homeless and down-and-out are an easy scapegoat

them with surgical rubber around their arm, and then I saw the needle come out,” said de Souza. “Then I saw one of the guys just toss the needle right at my front gate, and I thought: ‘Man, there’s kids living on this street.”

Shaun Hopkins, manager of The Works, Toronto Public Health’s needle exchange program, said a combinatio­n of education and issuing clean needles is reducing the discarded needle problem.

“I’ve been in this job for over 20 years, and I’ve found for the most part if you talk to drug users about the implicatio­ns of discarding a needle, they get it, and they try to change their behaviour,” she said. “I don’t think they’re uncaring people.”

More than a million clean needles were issued in 2010 by The Works and its 35 partner agencies. “Even if people aren’t returning1­00 per cent of the needles they use, they’re still returning a combined million or so needles a year,” said Hopkins. “The most important thing is that needles are being returned, and we’re cutting down on the number out there.”

 ?? KEITH BEATY/TORONTO STAR ?? Danielle Monk accidental­ly stepped on a discarded needle while playing with her son Nolan, 2, last week.
KEITH BEATY/TORONTO STAR Danielle Monk accidental­ly stepped on a discarded needle while playing with her son Nolan, 2, last week.

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