Toronto Star

Peace talks quietly resume

Parties keeping tight lid on details of negotiatio­ns amid atmosphere of mistrust


JERUSALEM— Israeli and Palestinia­n negotiator­s reconvened U.S.-brokered peace talks in Jerusalem on Wednesday amid little fanfare and low expectatio­ns, dogged by plans for more Jewish settler homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

An Israeli official, who declined to be named and who was briefed on the talks that were held at an undisclose­d Jerusalem location, described them as serious and said the parties agreed to meet again soon.

No details were given on the subject matter of the talks. The parties have agreed to refrain from revealing informatio­n in order to raise the chances for success, officials said.

The resumption of negotiatio­ns, after a first round in Washington last month that ended a three-year standoff over Jewish settlement building, followed Palestinia­n celebratio­ns overnight as Israel released 26 of their jailed brethren.

Optimism was in short supply before the first official meeting in Jerusalem, a holy city at the heart of their conflict, in nearly five years.

“Israel will resort to feints and evasion and put up impossible demands in order to say that these negotiatio­ns are fruitless and to continue its policy of stealing land as it has done until this moment,” said Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior Palestinia­n official tasked by President Mahmoud Abbas to comment on the talks.

Israel has published plans for 3,100 new settler homes in recent days, drawing U.S. and other internatio­nal concern and deepening Palestinia­n distrust.

Tzipi Livni, Israel’s chief peace negotiator and justice minister, said on her Facebook page before the teams met: “Today, I will continue the important mission I began — to achieve a peace agreement that will keep the country Jewish and democratic and provide security . . . for Israel and its citizens.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has set a goal of nine months for an agreement to be reached.

In the small hours of Wednesday, Israel freed the 26 Palestinia­ns jailed between 1985 and 2001, many for deadly attacks on Israelis. Their release, coupled with Abbas’s dropping of a demand for a settlement freeze before talks could begin, helped to pave the way toward negotiatio­ns.

Joyous crowds, fireworks and Vfor-victory signs greeted the former prisoners in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

“I never expected to see him again . . . The joy of the whole world is with me,” said Adel Mesleh, whose brother Salama Mesleh was jailed in 1993 for killing an Israeli. “I am happy he was freed as a result of negotiatio­ns. Negotiatio­ns are good.”

But the scenes did little to boost optimism in Israel about prospects for peace.

“I think that today is a sad day to start negotiatin­g about peace with people who accepted murderers as heroes,” said Erez Goldman, an Israeli resident of Jerusalem.

Few on either side see swift resolution to long-standing problems such as borders, settlement­s, the status of Jerusalem and Palestinia­n refugees. Yet neither Abbas nor Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to attract blame for putting the brakes on U.S. attempts at peace, a product of Kerry’s intensive shuttle diplomacy. Negotiatio­ns are set to continue every few weeks in venues including Jericho in the West Bank. Israel says it supports Kerry’s ninemonth timeline, but in the past few days has rattled world powers by announcing its plans to increase its settlement of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, areas it captured along with the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Middle East war. Israel quit Gaza in 2005, but wants to keep East Jerusalem and swathes of West Bank settlement­s, seeing them as a security bulwark and the realizatio­n of a Jewish birthright to biblical land. Most world powers deem the settlement­s illegal. Nearly 600,000 Israelis live in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, among 2.5 million Palestinia­ns. Despite anger from the families of some victims, Israel has promised to free a total of 104 inmates in the next few months. Thousands of Palestinia­ns, many of them convicted on security-related charges, remain in Israeli jails.

 ?? MOHAMAD TOROKMAN/REUTERS ?? A former Palestinia­n prisoner hugs a relative in Ramallah on Wednesday. Palestinia­ns celebrated overnight after Israel released 26 prisoners.
MOHAMAD TOROKMAN/REUTERS A former Palestinia­n prisoner hugs a relative in Ramallah on Wednesday. Palestinia­ns celebrated overnight after Israel released 26 prisoners.

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