Toronto Star

Wake up to right wing’s secret agenda


Re A Conservati­ve banner you won’t see, Aug. 10 Susan Delacourt misses the point. While home ownership is the dream of all middle-class and would-be middle-class Canadians, the changes to toughen mortgage restrictio­ns by the Conservati­ve government are not the problem. The problem is that fiscal Conservati­ves like Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mayor Rob Ford, not to mention the wannabe premier Tim Hudak, bash unions and are thereby responsibl­e for the loss of middle-class and fair-wage jobs. In the name of fiscal responsibi­lty we have seen in the last decade the radical decline of good paying employment. Unions not only protect their members but, by raising the bar on wages and benefits, also protect non-members. But, these fiscal elites bash unions and give jobs to the minimum-wage-paying private forprofit sector. The real culprit in the decline of the middle class and the smashing of their dreams is not changes to mortgage lending, but rather the overall decline of wages and salaries. The growth in wealth of the 1 per cent does not make for a sound economy. Unions are the major defence against the one-sided economy we have.

If the middle class hopes to regain some of its vitality (and surely the entire country depends on this) then it’s time for union bashing to end. Conservati­ves like the prime minister, the mayor and Mr. Hudak believe that divide and conquer, by creating jealousy on the part of non-union workers of those lucky enough to be protected by group action, is the way to keep wealth in the hands of the few. That’s the secret agenda.

It’s really time the electorate woke up to this Machiavell­ian plan and took back their power. Stephen L. Bloom, Toronto

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