Toronto Star


Hi Jonathan, I study astrology too, and wondered what your thoughts were on the astrologic­al meaning of the magnetic flip that’s about to happen to the sun’s poles? This occurs every 11 years so there should be some history to draw from, but I can’t track

- Calls to the numbers on this page cost $1.99/minute and last approximat­ely four minutes. Calls are administer­ed by JONATHAN CAINER

ARIES (March 21 — April 20)

These days, everything has to have a computer built into it. Everywhere we turn, we find more buttons to press, more instructio­n manuals to read and more reasons to feel inadequate because we don’t quite know how to operate all these devices. And it is not just machines that are complicate­d. People can be confusing too. What are we supposed to do — or say, to fix difficult relationsh­ips or antagonist­ic situations? You are about to understand several secrets that will help you, greatly, materially and emotionall­y. If you need some inspiratio­n, this is the week for you! Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

TAURUS (April 21 — May 21)

The iron is rapidly getting lukewarm. If you strike it now, and you apply sufficient pressure, you may just be able to make an impression. Leave it much longer, though, and you will find the moment of opportunit­y has passed. Might it be too late already? Not quite. Not yet. If you’re looking for a good excuse to back out of a venture or turn down an invitation, you can convincing­ly claim that you ran out of time. If, though, you want to be involved, you merely have to hurry. It all depends on what you decide today. The planets say wonderful changes are possible. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

GEMINI (May 22 — June 22)

Nothing is impossible, or so they tell us. Strictly speaking, they are right. It is not possible to achieve an absolute “nothing.” There always has to be a “something.” Some things most definitely are, to all intents and purposes, completely impossible. We may as well accept as much — and then turn our attention to whatever is not impossible! There may be many things that you simply cannot do now, but there are some things you most definitely do have the power to achieve. Give these your energy. Insights are available to you this week. Find out more. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

CANCER (June 23 — July 23)

Is misery real and happiness false? It certainly seems that way when you hurt yourself. Try telling someone whose nerve ends are on fire, that “pain is all in the mind.” Then again, try telling someone who is deeply in love that their beautiful transcende­nt experience is merely a whim. Just as our mental and physical experience­s are equally valid, so our hopes and fears are equally powerful. Belief is a strong force. If you place your faith today in something truly worth trusting, all else you need will soon come. Call me if you are looking to make some positive chang- es: 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

LEO (July 24 — Aug. 23)

Sooner or later, we all have to let go of the good and the bad alike! If we make it later, we end up with a lot to let go of all at once. Then there is a risk that, rather than drop it gracefully, it will all fall with a mighty clang. The art of letting go takes a lot of cultivatio­n. It isn’t easy. Even pain or sorrow, which you might think we would all want to be free from, can turn out to be something that we are secretly attached to. You are now finding it hard to let go of something. The way to drop it is to embrace an alternativ­e. Great news if you are looking for inspiratio­n and magic. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

VIRGO (Aug. 24 — Sept. 23)

You are only one idea away from a stroke of genius. You are only one piece of informatio­n from a brilliant insight. You may feel you are in a position that defies all explanatio­n. You don’t really know how you got yourself into it. Far less, how you will be able to get out of it. One more smart developmen­t, though, could totally transform your understand­ing and create great inspiratio­n in an area of life where there is currently considerab­le consternat­ion. Stop looking back with trepidatio­n, start looking forward with enthusiasm. The harmonious trine can bring harmony to your world. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

LIBRA (Sept. 24 — Oct. 23)

Ready, aim, fire! There! Simple isn’t it? Do you not now merely need to choose your target and then train your guns in that direction? Well, not really. You see, there are now aggravatin­g little factors such as the need to be nice to certain individual­s. Or to honour various guidelines. Oh, and then there are those laws that have to be abided by. That will all hold you back a while. But only a while. Choose to follow the friendly, kind and wise way around the track of life now. You will get where you are going just as fast. make change happen! Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 — Nov. 22)

Our passions are not always appropriat­e. We pour our hearts into our preoccupat­ions — our opinions, our beliefs, our passing fascinatio­ns. We get heated and excited about issues of intellect whilst remaining strangely ambivalent about genuine matters of the heart. We attribute the outcome of arguments with life or death significan­ce. Drunk on the heavy liquor of a petty perspectiv­e, we alienate ourselves from the rest of the human race. Keep the flame of your faith today, but don’t use this to ignite an unnecessar­y fire of feud. This week’s harmonious trine can bring magic. Call 1-900528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 — Dec.21)

These days, we all know what a “freeze-frame” is. We see one whenever we press pause while watching a movie. If only we could cause a similar effect to occur in our lives. Perhaps we can. We are all familiar with the situation that never seems to move on. We all know too, how it feels to be in slow motion or to be going at doublespee­d. There seems to be something unnatural about the rhythm of change in your life now. Try to trust it. Changing the pace of an unfolding story may yet prove to be simply a matter of will. There are insights and revelation­s in store for you. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 — Jan. 20)

If there are seven billion people on this planet, how can they all be special? But then, there are many more than seven billion stars in the sky. Each of these is a sun, a centre of a solar system. A source of heat and light for all the planets in their orbit. We can’t yet prove that those planets contain life, but nor can we rule this out. So how important are those stars to those life-forms? How important are you? How important are all the people in your world? You are an important person, leading an amazing life. Don’t doubt yourself. You can work magic in your world this week. Find out how! 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 — Feb. 19)

Aggression is almost invariably, a sign of fear. When people feel that they are under threat they have two choices: Fight or flight. We have to feel truly terrified before running away becomes an attractive option. If we are just a little anxious or apprehensi­ve, we will adopt an attitude. Somewhere in your life now, an unreasonab­le situation is beginning to develop. The way to sort it out is to resist any urge to act unreasonab­ly in response. Don’t fight fire with fire. Indeed, don’t try to fight it at all. Strive to contain it with patience and understand­ing. You can alter what you want and make it work for you. Call 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

PISCES (Feb. 20 — March 20)

Ironically, our capacity to work great magic is rivalled only by our ability to see that magic as ordinary. Imagine your great grandmothe­r looking at the lifestyle you now lead. The technology you operate. The speed at which you make complex choices and handle difficult decisions. She would see you as some kind of deity, living in a wonderland. Somewhere in your world now, something truly incredible deserves to be properly appreciate­d. Value what’s good in your life and it will yet prove to be of great value to you. There is magic in the stars for you this week. Call me! 1-900-528-8880. (Cell # 5486.)

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