Toronto Star

How to navigate your way through European cities

Invest in a good map, ask people for directions and enjoy getting lost


RICK STEVES Whether you are visiting big cities or quaint villages in Europe, you don’t want to feel like a stranger in a strange land, even though that’s exactly what you are. Getting orientated is especially important in big cities, which for many travellers, are the most intimidati­ng part of a trip.

First, have a good guidebook — whether print or digital — for wherever you’re travelling. There are guidebooks for everyone: shoppers, vegetarian­s, seniors, campers . . . even opera buffs. Invest in a guidebook that fits your style.

While guidebooks come with basic maps of big cities, these are generally small and intended only to give you an overview. A detailed, foldout map can save you time and frustratio­n. If you think print is passé, there are smartphone apps that let you download maps, and once that’s done, the maps are accessible without an Internet connection. Though many smartphone­s have GPS built in, it could be expensive, as it takes an Internet connection to pinpoint your location, and this can lead to an exorbitant data-roaming charge.

Study your map to understand the city’s layout. Relate the location of landmarks — your hotel, major sights, the river, main streets, the train station — to each other. Use any viewpoint, such as a church spire to understand the lay of the land and see where you’re going next.

No matter how well I know a town, when I arrive my first stop is usually the tourist informatio­n office. You’ll find them on the main square, in the city hall, at the train station, or sometimes at the airport or cruise port. A normally busy, but friendly and multilingu­al staff, gives out sightseein­g informatio­n, reserves hotel rooms, sells concert or theatre tickets and answers questions.

But be aware that, while handy, their purpose is to help you spend money in their town. Many are funded by hotels and big tour companies and can be more interested in selling tickets and services. In many cities, you’ll see hop-on, hop-off tourist buses connecting the major sights. Riding one when you arrive gives you a feel for the city’s layout. Or try a public bus ride: Paris’ number 69 bus gives you a connect-the-dots tour of central Paris.

If you find yourself in a town with no guidebook coverage or tourist office, glance through a postcard rack to get a quick overview of the town’s most famous sights. Even the most mundane town will feature whatever’s worth seeing on its postcards. Many disorienta­ted tourists are too afraid or too timid to ask questions. If you are too proud to ask, your trip will be dignified . . . but dull. Firsthand advice is available from hotel informatio­n desks, B&B hosts, hostel employees and other travellers. Glean informatio­n from the couple seated next to you at breakfast, chat with the waiter who serves you lunch, or ask a shop owner for tips. While smart travellers get orientated quickly, there’s something to be said for getting lost. Venice can be mobbed with tourists. But savvy travellers leave the centre and explore, walking to the far reaches of the island even if they’re not sure where they’re going.

Efficient travellers stay orientated — with our limited vacations, we need to use our time wisely — but don’t be afraid to step through a back door to your personal slice of unexpected Europe. Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. Email him at

 ?? DOMINIC BONUCCELLI ?? While some are privatized, most tourist informatio­n offices in Europe are still a good source for sightseein­g tips.
DOMINIC BONUCCELLI While some are privatized, most tourist informatio­n offices in Europe are still a good source for sightseein­g tips.

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