Toronto Star

How to avoid back pain during pregnancy


Any woman who has given birth knows, pregnancy, while an exciting time, comes with many aches and pains. Studies suggest that up to 90 per cent of pregnant women will experience lower back and pelvic pain. Plus, pregnancy weight can place extra stress on hips, knees, ankles and feet. Pregnant women may have difficulty sleeping, and activities as simple as standing can prove too difficult for even short periods of time.

Expectant women can try the following the strategies to mitigate back, neck, and joint pain.

Maintain good posture to avoid stressing your neck and shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back, and your chin slightly tucked.

Try low-impact, low-stress cardiovasc­ular activities such as swimming to re- lieve pain. Be sure to consult your doctor before trying a new exercise while pregnant.

Getting sufficient sleep and rest is key to optimal health during pregnancy. To support your weight and reduce stress on your lower back, place a pillow between your knees when going to bed or lean against a large body pillow. Try lying on your left side; it has been shown to reduce the pressure of the uterus on vessels in the abdomen.

Simple exercises can help strengthen your core and support your back. Abdominal bracing, pelvic tilts, and arm and leg extensions are all recommende­d. Ask your chiropract­or for instructio­n on how to safely and correctly perform these moves.

 ??  ?? Expectant mothers can try a variety of exercises to alleviate back pain during pregnancy.
Expectant mothers can try a variety of exercises to alleviate back pain during pregnancy.

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