Toronto Star

Try it . . . you might like it

- Dr. Mike Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz

Kids in Thailand eat dried shrimp and lemongrass flavoured rice without pooh-poohing the flavours. Japanese children enjoy grilled fish, raw egg, miso soup and fermented soybeans — for breakfast! But you’re desperate to get your 6-year-old to taste anything healthier or more flavourful than a french fry or spaghetti with butter and cheese. So you puree veggies in fruit smoothies and opt for supplement­s just to get some nutrients into your youngster. Not bad moves, but we’re betting you can expand your child’s food favourites if you’ll expand yours. Parental behaviour is crucial in shaping a child’s food preference­s. For most kids, flavour choices are a result of nurture more often than nature, maybe even starting in the womb. Research suggests that moms who eat junk food when pregnant tend to have kids who eat junk food and are overweight. And even kids who do have an actual physiologi­cal aversion to certain flavours (many react strongly to bitter tastes) eventually can learn to expand their list of acceptable foods. Repeated exposure alters flavour perception. So dish up broccoli in clever ways: grilled, in a creamy soup, cold with a yogurt dip. If you are enthusiast­ic about eating healthfull­y, take time to cook good food in tasty ways, and stop feeding your child processed, salty and sugary foods. Ask health questions at Drs. Oz and Roizen are authors of YOU® Teen: Losing Weight. Order it at

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