Toronto Star

Our seniors deserve better


And now for yet another reason why aging boomers should be wary of Ontario nursing homes: a startling number of facilities are drugging residents with dangerous antipsycho­tic drugs that keep them quiet and controlled.

It has the makings of a horror show, except that for Ontario seniors this state of affairs is sadly all too real. A Star investigat­ion by David Bruser, Jesse McLean and Andrew Bailey analyzed data on antipsycho­tics in nursing homes and found widespread drugging of the elderly — particular­ly those with dementia.

Even worse, the Star found that antipsycho­tic medication­s such as olanzapine and quetiapine come with warnings of increased death rates when given to the elderly. That’s one of the reasons why Health Canada has not approved their use among seniors with dementia.

There’s no doubt that nursing homes don’t have enough staff or the proper training to manage residents with dementia, particular­ly those who wander, or get easily agitated and aggressive. It’s hard work.

That’s why Ontario needs an overall strategy on dementia — with a strong focus on long-term care. After all, in six short years, some 250,000 Ontarians are expected to suffer from the debilitati­ng cognitive disease. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.

Health Minister Deb Matthews could act quickly by giving new life to a bill that pushed such a strategy, tabled last year by Liberal MPP Donna Cansfield. Backed by Progressiv­e Conservati­ve Deputy Leader Christine Elliott, the bill received a flurry of attention last spring — and then promptly disappeare­d.

It was Cansfield who gathered the drug data and, after presenting it to Matthews with no followup action, provided it to Star reporters for analysis. As Cansfield says, “We have a problem; we need to deal with it. That’s our responsibi­lity as government.” It’s an apt observatio­n.

Adementia strategy should examine new methods of care, such as those highlighte­d by the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

A recent report by the society found that homes have been transforme­d into calmer environs by using “person-centered” care. That means staff focus on an individual’s needs and, for example, spend time talking, singing or reading to residents instead of rushing them out of bed for scheduled baths or breakfast. It helps. For those with dementia, getting hauled out of bed can incite anger and aggression. Informed consent should also be high on the government’s fix list. Considerin­g the Star’s findings — that more than a third of residents in some 300 nursing homes are given antipsycho­tic drugs — staff should be following the consent rules that are already in place.

As Jane Meadus of the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly says, proper consent includes informatio­n on the side effects of antipsycho­tics among the elderly — including a 60-per-cent increase in death.

Most families, Meadus notes, will say “don’t do that.” As a result, homes would be forced to take better actions that don’t involve dangerous pharmaceut­icals. “That would solve a big part of the problem right there,” she says.

The good news in this alarming scenario is that nursing home leaders are at least willing to discuss their struggles. Candace Chartier, CEO of the Ontario Long Term Care Associatio­n, acknowledg­ed the problem, saying, “We know we need to do better. Seniors deserve better.”

Chartier is right, of course, but unfortunat­ely, change won’t happen unless the government forces it.

Good leadership doesn’t ignore challenges. Matthews has made some admirable improvemen­ts in long-term care but here’s one situation where swift action is needed. Without her help, the misguided use of antipsycho­tics will only increase. Boomers take note — the future isn’t pretty.

Ontario needs dementia strategy that doesn’t include antipsycho­tic drugs

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