Toronto Star

Mayor’s re-election bid in full swing

Ford kicks off campaign by thanking those who stuck by him in ‘rocky’ times


Rob Ford took to the stage at his campaign kickoff Thursday night vowing to win re-election on Oct. 27 and thanking supporters for sticking by him during the “rocky moments over the past year.”

“I soldier on day in, day out because of you people,” Ford said, flanked by his family and volunteers waving “Ford for Mayor” signs.

“I have experience­d how none of us can go through our life without making mistakes. I’ve learned humility, kindness of people and the spirit of second chances. I owe the people a great debt of gratitude.”

Councillor Doug Ford, Ford’s brother and campaign manager, had used many superlativ­es hyping the event at the Toronto Congress Centre on Dixon Rd. in Etobicoke, suggesting it would make the launches by other candidates seem like tea parties.

There was no crowd estimate but about half of the 290 tables set up in the cavernous centre were empty. His main rivals, Olivia Chow and John Tory, chose much smaller venues for their events that did not feature a bagpipe entrance, a rock band, balloons, campaign memorabili­a — for sale — or a fire truck with a banner “Saving the taxpayers from getting burned.”

Its presence prompted the firefighte­rs union to issue a news release saying it was “utterly tasteless” that the Fords were using a fire truck as a campaign prop when four fire trucks are being taken out of service due to budget cuts. Doug Ford said his brother Randy bought the vehicle for $4,000 at an auction. The evening’s theme was that the mayor may be flawed and fallible, but he is an anti-establishm­ent, everyman who will challenge the elites and always care about looking after regular people. “He’s got the biggest heart around,” Doug Ford said, introducin­g the mayor to the crowd. “He’s always there for the people he loves and he’s there for the city he loves.” Volunteer Johnny Cash echoed the sentiment of many attendees. “This is Easter Holy Week, the mayor will be resurrecte­d Oct. 27,” said Cash wearing a Ford Nation T-shirt and volunteer badge. “Does he have faults? Does he have feelings? Absolutely. Does he have any skeletons in the closet? — Well, not really because we all know them,” he said with a laugh. “You cannot judge a person by the mistakes they made. You have to see the good in general,” said Melba Fanelli, sprouting a cluster of Ford flags from her hair. Some attendees blamed media reporting for making more of Ford’s scandals than they deserved. “I’m disgusted by the way he’s been singled out,” one woman hissed while clutching her red, blue and white flag.

“The media thinks he’s below them. No wonder he was ranting and raving in that video. You people hounded him.” She refused to give her name.

Ford was elected in a landslide October 2010, picking up the support of 47 per cent of Toronto voters who liked his promises to cut taxes, focus on customer service and “stop-the-gravy-train” message.

His approval rating has hovered around that number, even as the scandals — alleged ties to gang members, admitted crack cocaine use, embarrassi­ng YouTube videos — piled up.

Chow led Rob Ford and Tory in the latest poll on the mayoral election.

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR ?? “I soldier on day in, day out because of you people,” Mayor Rob Ford told supporters at his re-election campaign.
STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR “I soldier on day in, day out because of you people,” Mayor Rob Ford told supporters at his re-election campaign.

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