Toronto Star

The Boys are back for more


The first thing to realize when doing a sit-down interview with the Trailer Park Boys is that either they’re doing it in character or — perhaps more plausibly — there isn’t whole heck of lot of difference between the actors and the characters they play.

On a press tour to promote their third post-television feature film, Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It, the trio is asked the difference between being on camera and off.

Bubbles a.k.a. Mike Smith responds with his typical man-child candour: “Exactly the same as far as I can tell. I mean we don’t really do anything different than when the cameras are there than we do normally so I would say exactly the same.”

“I think that I’m more smart when the cameras aren’t around. That’s the only difference really,” pronounced Ricky a.k.a. Robb Wells.

“I try to do cool things in front of the cameras and stuff. I like all the acting and all that stuff, it’s cool. I’m a big fan of movies,” responded Julian a.k.a. John Paul Tremblay. (One difference: no rum and coke firmly planted in his mitt.) “Show off,” Bubbles mumbled. So gents, what is the enduring appeal of the Trailer Park Boys, which began as a film short, became a feature film, followed by eight seasons on television followed by three feature films (and counting)?

“People could learn a lot from us. Just keep it simple and not be stressed out all the time. There’s nothing wrong with getting drunk and high with your family and friends. It’s important. Everybody should do it,” Ricky a.k.a. Wells replied.

“People want to have lives like ours. We’re stress-free, we’re not all about trying to make money.

“People are just screwed up, they’re in their 9-to-5 jobs and they’re miserable. They got a s--- ton of bills and everybody’s living paycheque to paycheque.

“We’re living day to day and we don’t give a f---. If we don’t have something today, we’ll get it tomorrow,” Julian a.k.a. Tremblay said.

So what about personal growth, gents? Have you changed in the ensuing years?

“I’m a better cook. I’m better at growing (weed). I’m about the same at rolling. I’ve learned a lot more. Yeah, I’ve learned a lot. I’m a better reader,” Wells said.

“I don’t think so. I think I’m the same person I’ve always been. I might be a little more ped off. I’m a bit fed up with these guys,” Bubbles noted.

As for Trailer Park Boys 4, Tremblay said it’s on the drawing board, though the gentle suggestion of bringing the show to Toronto — since in Trailer Parks 3, the boys get to Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal, why not? — is quickly brushed aside.

“We should go on another road trip. Maybe Las Vegas,” said Julian, clearly the brainiest amongst the three.

 ??  ?? Bubbles a.k.a. Mike Smith in the new Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It.
Bubbles a.k.a. Mike Smith in the new Trailer Park Boys: Don’t Legalize It.

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