Toronto Star

Loyal Raptor fans eager for some post-season excitement


The last several years have been tough on Raptors fans.

But on Saturday, the team will play their first post-season game in six years, and fans that’ve stayed loyal during tough times couldn’t be more excited.

Here’s what they had to say on their favourite Raptors moments, why they kept cheering, and what they expect to see in the playoffs: Sarah Guyatt Di Benedetto Favourite Raptors memory: “Probably the first playoff game in 2008. I go to a lot of games, probably go to 10 or 15 a year. And the atmosphere there was just insane.”

Why she’s stayed loyal: “I guess I’ve just always been a big fan. I would support them whether they’re winning or losing.”

Prediction: “I think they’re going to win the Brooklyn series in six games.” Sheldon Pinto

Favourite memory:“Vince Carter in the playoffs, back-to-back when Carter and Iverson had 50 points each in the Eastern Conference semifinal (in 2001). And then we lost on (missed) game winning shot.”

Why he’s stayed loyal: “They always seem to be trying, no matter what. Toronto’s always trying to make that step to being classified as a real NBA team, being the only NBA team in Canada.” Prediction: “I’m saying we’re going to go to the second round for sure. And, as much as it kills my heart to say it, I say the Heat in six.” Wahaj Khan Favourite memory: “Recent memories include that amazing game Terrence Ross had against the Clippers, scoring 51 points. Or any time that Johnson-shoots a three and drains it.” Why he’s stayed loyal: “In a way, it’s like I’ve grown up with the team, and that the tough years for the team were something the franchise could learn from and build upon, kind of like how a person learns from their past mistakes.” Prediction for the playoffs: “They might have the least experience going in but they also have a coach who has been to the Finals and played a role in beating the Miami Heat as an assistant for the Mavericks. If there’s one man who can pre- pare this team for what to expect, it’s (head coach Dwane) Casey.” Annette Smith

Favourite memory: “Probably my first game that I went to when I was in college. That’s when Vince Carter was still playing. I knew nothing about basketball. It was a fun experience.”

Why she’s stayed loyal: “I love the energy of the games.”

Prediction: “I’m hoping we go all the way. I’m just going to stand by the Raptors and hope they win.”

 ??  ?? Sarah Guyatt DiBenedett­o is a loyal Raptors fan and predicts they will beat the Nets in six.
Sarah Guyatt DiBenedett­o is a loyal Raptors fan and predicts they will beat the Nets in six.
 ??  ?? Annette Smith says she’ll never forget her first Raptors game.
Annette Smith says she’ll never forget her first Raptors game.
 ??  ?? Long-time Raptors fan Sheldon Pinto is confident his team will take down the Nets in first round.
Long-time Raptors fan Sheldon Pinto is confident his team will take down the Nets in first round.
 ??  ?? Wahaj Khan likes the fact that Raptors coach Dwane Casey has playoff experience.
Wahaj Khan likes the fact that Raptors coach Dwane Casey has playoff experience.

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