Toronto Star

Ghomeshi: CBC comes under fire

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Re CBC turns a blind eye, Editorial Nov. 4

We should not be surprised by the ongoing gagfest that is Ghomeshiga­te, highlighti­ng how management allows high-value assets to operate with impunity in order to pad their own reputation and success with little regard for the greater social impact of their decisions.

What is more revolting than the several alleged abuses is the insinuatio­n that a simplistic “cleaning of the house” will resolve the deep-rooted greed and apathy that allows this type of activity to transpire. They weren’t my daughters after all, but my tax dollars (and potentiall­y a further $55 million) did enable him to prey on these women.

It is about time that we adopt the mindset that abuse against one is abuse against all and those that enable it should be held as accountabl­e as the perpetrato­r. Alas, the show goes on. John Paul MaGee, Toronto

Your editorial hits the nail dead on. In my mid-30s I had the misfortune to work in a major national NGO that employed a senior staffer who routinely harassed women, both employees and volunteers. Women from both groups openly discussed this man’s behaviour, many going so far as to say they would never allow themselves to be alone with him.

His behaviour was enabled, and when I made a complaint I was treated with hostility and asked “is this a threat” of a lawsuit? The abuse continued, and shortly after I left that job. Dana Williams, Ottawa

The Ghomeshi affair continues to expose that senior management and others at CBC have neither moral compass nor moral imperative. CBC completely ignores its own Code of Conduct and fails to fulfil its mandate to Canadians to “contribute to shared national consciousn­ess and identity.” Just more “do as I say, not as I do” hypocrisy. John Archibald, Niagara Falls

I am sorry that Ghomeshi has been tried by newspapers and public opinion rather than in a court of law. Good for the women who have decided to make their accusation­s legal issues. Gilda Blackmore, London, ON

CBC has apparently known about Ghomeshi’s actions for 10 years and took no disciplina­ry action against him, nor put a plan in place to protect their employees from him directly or future workplace harassment incidents. After the cows have left the barn, they finally hire someone to look into allegation­s. Despicable and cowardly. That’s the only way to describe them. Steve Craine, Toronto

Jian Ghomeshi was a construct: an actor-performer hired to read thoughtful essays written by others, well researched, scripted introducti­ons and interview questions prepared by a crack, creative team of researcher­s, writers and producers.

As Q’s first host, he revelled (in Q and A sessions after live remote shows) in taking public credit for the work of others over the course of seven years.

And, most latterly, he revelled in implying the bookings of musical icons such as Joni Mitchell, Paul McCartney and Barbra Streisand by Q’s “chase” producers were more of a reflection of his “persona” as a skilful, empathetic former musician/ interviewe­r than their hard work.

Ghomeshi was not Q. CBC management knows that.

As investigat­ions continue, I urge CBC Radio to secure the genius, the ethos and essence of Q and it’s creative team — quickly — by hiring a new permanent host. Consult Qstaff, who’ve worked with any number of guest hosts over the years. In short, get the lead out. Trish Dyer, retired producer, CBC TV, Carleton Place

I guess the CBC top brass have never heard of due diligence. Alan Skeoch, Mississaug­a

“After the cows have left the barn, they (the CBC) finally hire someone to look into allegation­s. Despicable and cowardly.” STEVE CRAINE, TORONTO

I have practised criminal law as a defence counsel for 51 years. Our criminal law has always recognized that a crime against an alleged victim is a crime against the state, which permits police to embark on an investigat­ion without a complaint being brought by a victim. Earl J. Levy, Toronto

Perhaps we should be grateful to Ghomeshi and the CBC for inadverten­tly raising public awareness of and provoking discussion about issues surroundin­g sexual assault — although to the extent that the discussion centres around the question of whether Ghomeshi is guilty of a criminal offence, I deplore this trial by media. However, exposing myths and flawed thinking is a good thing. Stephen Whitzman, Toronto

We have religious hate laws yet we do not have gender hate laws with sweeping ramificati­ons. Perhaps it is time that we stopped protecting the actions of heinous deviants within our society. G. Pagnotta, Brampton

I was relieved to finally see Rob Ford’s face and name off the front pages of the Star — only to be replaced by Ghomeshi’s. Who’s next? Grant Orchard, Toronto

Re Editorial cartoon, Nov. 3

I am shocked and appalled by the thinking and behaviour of Ghomeshi. But it sickened me to see that the Star might suggest that women should resort to violence under the circumstan­ces. Joan Jones, Toronto

Re Coming face to face with my unexpected biases, Opinion Nov. 3

I hope I can lift the guilt the author has felt. Carl Jung tells you that it was inevitable that you instinctua­lly disbelieve the girls when you first learn of the abuse. The soul is always trying to heal itself and the unconsciou­s cries out to assist us, via dreams and contemplat­ion. Nora McLoughlin, Ottawa Re Ghomeshi situation raises questions, Letters Nov. 1 Readers Susan Rogers and Linda Bronfman need a few lessons in empathy. When they, as others, state that allegation­s have no credibilit­y unless immediate reporting to the police occurs, they have no concept of the spirit of social judgment and outright meanness that one is sure to encounter as a result.

They need to look at the risky, vulnerable and responsibi­lity-accepting comments by Jia Junaid in her well written article, in which she outlines her own biases and vulnerabil­ities when it comes to sexual assault.

As for the media not giving air time to anonymous complaints even after considerin­g their credibilit­y and circumstan­ces, one must realize that if this was about racism rather than sexism, one might be more prepared to understand a little bit.

If these were reports from citizens terrorized by the KKK for example, and they were afraid to come forward due to potential repercussi­ons, should their allegation­s not be reported?

Is there not a double standard at work here, and — like Ms. Junaid states — we have a responsibi­lity to confront honestly our internal unexpected biases? David Klarer, director, Grace House, Oakville Re Abuse story sparks debate on ‘rape myths,’ Nov. 1 I found columnist Catherine Porter’s statistics frightenin­g. At a rate of 8 per cent false allegation­s, many incarcerat­ed rapists have been wrongly convicted.

And who are these wrongly convicted most likely to be? Poor people who cannot afford to hire an experience­d lawyer to defend them. Are these men to be abandoned? Are these men unworthy of your support? Your editorial staff have gone out of the way to support Ghomeshi’s accusers, and rightly so. But now that the media circus is calming down, how about some reporting from the male victim’s perspectiv­e? What is it like to be one of the 8 per cent who are falsely accused? To lose all your friends, your job, and be ostracized by the community? What motivates people to make false allegation­s?

I had the unfortunat­e duty of being called as a witness in a false accusation trial. It can and does happen. Clyde McDonald, Bracebridg­e Thirty-seven years ago I was a naive 21-year-old young woman, working in a male-dominated profession. I experience­d suggestive comments, intimidati­on and eventually, inappropri­ate and unwanted touching. When I spoke to my managers they made light of my concerns. I was made to feel that I had exaggerate­d my feelings, that the men responsibl­e were merely being friendly and it meant nothing.

Fast-forward and I am now the mother of a 21-year-old daughter. It hurts my heart to realize that nothing has really changed. Karin McLean, Toronto

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Workers scrape a wall that had a publicity photo of former CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi in CBC’s Toronto offices last week.
CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS Workers scrape a wall that had a publicity photo of former CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi in CBC’s Toronto offices last week.

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