Toronto Star

Try positive reinforcem­ent

- Yvette Van Veen

When we sit down to relax for the evening, our cat begins pestering. He walks across our lap and kneads our legs with his claws. Then he starts to nuzzle our faces. While some affection is nice, reading or watching television becomes difficult. How can I get him to stop? Cats, like all other animals, learn in the same manner. They do the things that work to get them what they want. Just as you can train a dog, you can also train a cat using positive reinforcem­ent. First, recognize that the kneading and pestering are behaviours that are being rewarded. Cats knead their claws because it feels good. Feeling good is an internal reward, called intrinsic motivation. Attention supports other behaviours such as pestering. When owners pet a demanding cat one moment then ignore it the next, the cat learns to try harder. It is like a behavioura­l slot machine where the cat keeps playing, hoping for the next jackpot of attention. Just like a slot machine, players continue trying despite many repeated losses. Begin by sitting down as a family. Create clear rules and get everyone on the same page. Consistenc­y matters. A good goal might be to train the cat to lie on a blanket next to you, much as you would teach a dog to lie on a mat. Commit to the idea that cuddles are only offered to the cat for good behaviour and not when demanded through pestering. Next, teach the cat the expected behaviour. Use tiny bits of treats. Freeze-dried chicken works well as it crumbles into very small pieces. You can also use bits of the cat’s kibble if the animal finds it sufficient­ly motivating. It prevents cats from getting too many treats, an important considerat­ion if weight is an issue, or if training sessions last a long time.

Reward the cat for getting on the blanket.

Initially, feed rather quickly. Time the rewards so that the cat is staying on the blanket. If the cat walks off, encourage them back and start again.

Once the cat learns to go to the mat, use a food lure to teach the cat to lie down on it.

Habits will form over time. Wean away from food treats by incorporat­ing a mix of petting or chews. Many cats like busy toys too.

Reserve cuddling for times when you offer it.

When the cat is behaving, invite interactio­n. Tell the cat that it’s OK to come up on your lap. Once finished, direct it back to its mat again.

Create clear rules and reward good behaviour generously.

These are the things that allow owners to have a well-mannered pet, and one that they can lavish with attention. Neighbourh­ood cats prowl in our driveway. Our cat screams when he sees them. Blinds and curtains do not work. We don’t want to have to lock our cat away. How can we address this? Blocking visual stimuli can be a chore.

Owners often feel like they are living in a cave. Many window treatments fail to keep pets from seeing out windows. Try window film instead. Unlike curtains, it sticks directly to the surface of windows without adhesive. Finishes vary from a frosted glass look to colourful patterns.

For handy owners, a less expensive option is to apply transparen­t fabric to select windows with a mixture of cornstarch and water. Instructio­ns are available online at manhattann­est. com/2010/06/01/ the-doors. Take care when selecting patterns. Film or fabric that creates the illusion of wide branches can attract birds, some that will try to repeatedly land on the window. That could cause more grief rather than less. Yvette Van Veen is an animal behaviour consultant. Write her at advice@awesomedog­

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