Toronto Star

Immigrants become a key voting bloc in 2015

Parties’ political fortunes will rely on ridings where new Canadians head to polls


OTTAWA— Is Canada a more conservati­ve country after nearly nine years of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s rule?

When the election rolls around in 2015, immigrants to Canada may well cast the deciding votes on that question — or at least according to Harper’s own measure of political success. In a rare, relaxed interview during a visit to New York last September, Harper revealed what he believed was the secret to Conservati­ve victories in Canada.

“What’s most interestin­g politicall­y about our coming to office and staying in office . . . the growth of Conservati­sm in Canada, our electoral support, has been largely, not exclusivel­y, but largely by our penetratio­n of immigrant voters . . . of so-called cultural communitie­s,” Harper told Wall Street Journal editor Gerard Baker. “Fifteen years ago, like many Conservati­ve parties in other parts of the world, we had a very small share of that vote. Today, we win most of those communitie­s.”

The answer was disarmingl­y candid, from a prime minister who doesn’t tend to talk political strategy in public. It was also intriguing­ly generous to Multicultu­ralism Minister Jason Kenney, who has done the lion’s share of the work in building the Conservati­ves’ political base among cultural communitie­s. Harper, known more for his one-man brand of leadership, was essentiall­y saying that he owes Kenney a huge debt for a Conservati­ve stamp now placed on Canada. “My colleague Jason Kenney phrased it this way — he said (we did it) by turning people who were small “c” conservati­ves into big “c” Conservati­ves,” Harper explained, when asked how his party had won over these groups.

“Most of these people have conservati­ve views . . . They’re prepared to work hard and seize those economic opportunit­ies. They have a very traditiona­l hostility towards crime and criminal elements, towards the extremes of liberal social values — they’re family-oriented people.”

About one in every five citizens in Canada is an immigrant, so Harper’s claim to dominate that constituen­cy is no small boast. But is it true? A study of data from the last election, presented to the Canadian Political Science Associatio­n convention in Edmonton in 2012, found that Conservati­ves had definitely grown their support among immigrant voters in 2011, but so had the NDP. As for the Liberals, they weren’t doing much growing the vote anywhere in 2011. Their hopes for 2015 are more ambi- tious. It is true that for most of the latter part of the 20th century, the immigrant vote was said to belong to the federal Liberals and to the legacy of Pierre Trudeau, father of the Liberal leader who will be facing off against Harper in the 2015 campaign. It was Pierre Trudeau who brought multicultu­ralism to Canada, after all, not to mention the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which made diversity a legal, guaranteed reality in this country.

Of course, the fight for the immigrant vote will be important for all parties, including the New Democrats, whose hopes of vaulting from opposition to government rest in making inroads into regions outside their base in Quebec, especially in those suburban areas where many immigrants have made their new lives in Canada. But the struggle between the Conservati­ves and the Liberals for that immigrant vote has a historic resonance too — because of the Trudeau factor.

For Justin Trudeau, the immigrant vote in the 2015 campaign represents a symbolic and strategic goal — to reclaim the loyalty of a demographi­c once inextricab­ly tied to his late father and also to rob Conservati­ves of a constituen­cy that they’ve openly acknowledg­ed as crucial to their power and legacy.

And as odd as it was to hear Harper talking openly of strategy and Conservati­ve legacy last fall, it was equally odd for Trudeau — reflecting on those remarks a few weeks later — to say he may agree with the prime minister to some extent about the conservati­sm of newcomers.

“There is a need for order that I think might well make new arrivals, on certain standards, slightly more socially conservati­ve — when we think, perhaps, of objections to gay marriage or issues around religious rights,” Trudeau said in an interview with the Star, several weeks after Harper made his comments in New York. But Trudeau says that he remains confident that immigrant groups ultimately embrace the Charter and diversity more than they do their instincts toward conservati­sm.

“My experience is that those same groups understand very rapidly that what protects their rights and beliefs is the same Charter that allows for recognizin­g those individual rights and fundamenta­l principles of a free and open society,” Trudeau said.

Immigrant voters, he said, “rapidly understand that that’s something worth protecting.”

Trudeau said he was discourage­d to hear Harper talking about his stamp on Canada in terms of people’s political leanings.

“My father’s legacy was bilinguali­sm, multicultu­ralism, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,” he said.

“The prime minister is not just the prime minister for Conservati­ves. He should be the prime minister for all Canadians, and I think that blurring of the line between what is in the interest of government of Canada or Canadians and what is in the interest of the Conservati­ve Party of Canada is part of the problem.”

Still, with his candid reply during that New York interview this fall, Harper has also given his rivals a definite target in any bid to shake the Conservati­ves out of Ottawa. If the prime minister believes his strength is built on immigrant voters, then it follows that losing them would weaken his electoral power.

And this is why the big battlegrou­nds in 2015 will be where the immigrants to Canada have made their new homes in this country.

 ?? KEITH BEATY/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? Prime Minister Stephen Harper credits Multicultu­ralism Minister Jason Kenney (seen here at the Jaffari Mosque in Thornhill) with gaining much political support from new Canadians over the course of his administra­tion.
KEITH BEATY/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Prime Minister Stephen Harper credits Multicultu­ralism Minister Jason Kenney (seen here at the Jaffari Mosque in Thornhill) with gaining much political support from new Canadians over the course of his administra­tion.

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