Toronto Star

Does stress lead to more pleasure?

Greater effort to get reward doesn’t necessaril­y make it more enjoyable, study suggests


Look, we’ve nearly all been there: you’re stressed out and all you want is to stuff your face with cookies and chips and any other edible guilty pleasure. It’s called stress-eating and I have a drawer dedicated to it.

A study from University of Geneva researcher­s suggests while stress can cause us to work really hard for those kinds of rewards, it doesn’t increase the feeling of pleasure derived from such treats.

The research, published this week in the Journal of Experiment­al Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, suggests “reward pursuit is not always proportion­al to the pleasure experience­d,” the authors write.

The study involved a somewhat small group of participan­ts: 36 self-proclaimed chocolate-loving college students. To produce feelings of stress, 18 of the students put their hands into ice-cold water, while the others did so with lukewarm water. Researcher­s measured the levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the participan­ts’ saliva before and after sticking their hands into the water.

After a 10-minute break, the students had the chance to smell chocolate by pressing a handgrip when cued. The stressed-out group exerted nearly three times more effort to smell chocolate than the chilled-out participan­ts.

But when asked to evaluate how pleasant, familiar and edible the chocolate smell was, the stressed and non-stressed students didn’t differ much.

“Our results also showed that, although participan­ts mobilized more effort to smell the chocolate odour when under stress, they did not report the odour as being more pleasurabl­e,” the authors write.

The authors write that previous research suggests motivation for a reward, or “wanting,” and the pleasure from that reward, or “liking,” operate independen­tly, citing experiment­s on rodents. For this study, the researcher­s wanted to test the theory on humans, and they say additional studies are needed involving everyday causes of stress, and what that means for more serious habits related to stress.

“Stress plays a critical role in many psychologi­cal disorders and is one of the most important factors determinin­g relapses in addiction, gambling and binge eating,” study co-author Tobias Brosch said in a statement.

“Stress seems to flip a switch in our functionin­g: if a stressed person encounters an image or a sound associated with a pleasant object, this may drive them to invest an inordinate amount of effort to obtain it.”

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