Toronto Star



The vehicle: 1965 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport

The owner: Bob Wagner, Bracebridg­e, Ont.

The story: This 1965 Chevy was built in Oshawa then shipped to British Columbia, where it was sold new. The original owner kept it until 1978, then sold it to someone in Hamilton, where it stayed for seven years before it was sold to someone in Newmarket.

I saw the car parked in front of my friend’s shop here in town about five years ago, and I went in and asked him about it and found out he had owned it for 21 years. He rarely drove it and never talked about it, so I never knew the car existed. I had three of these cars when I was a kid and was always partial to them. So after a couple of years of pestering him, he finally gave in and sold it to me.

Being from B.C., the car is completely rust-free, but it needed a lot of cosmetic, mechanical and detailing work, which I’ve done over the past couple of years.

It now shows and drives beautifull­y and I take it to many cruise nights and shows. It has won multiple first-place trophies, so I guess all of my polishing paid off!

It has a 454-cubic-inch engine and a four-speed standard transmissi­on in it. It also came equipped from the factory with tilt steering and factory gauges. I am now the fifth owner of this rare Chevy and can’t wait to take it cruising whenever I get the opportunit­y. Show us your candy: Do you have a beautifull­y restored car? Send us your pictures, along with the details of why it’s special to you. If we like it, we’ll publish it first in Toronto Star Wheels. Email and be sure to use “Eye Candy” in the subject line.

 ??  ?? Bob Wagner’s 1965 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport was completely rust-free when he acquired it.
Bob Wagner’s 1965 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport was completely rust-free when he acquired it.
 ??  ?? The award-winning car is gorgeous inside and out.
The award-winning car is gorgeous inside and out.

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