Toronto Star

Paying twice for poverty


Re Canadian criminal justice meets the ghost of Christmas past, Opinion Dec. 23 A heartfelt thanks to Catherine Latimer for her article. From my 32 years as a provincial probation and parole officer, I became keenly aware of the multiple factors at play in “justice.”

Aphorisms like “It takes a village to raise a child,” are often used after the fact, but that ideal village is now irrelevant because of massive urbanizati­on.

The disadvanta­ged are ill-served by a vast patchwork of support agencies dependent on various sources of funding. Poverty is too well tolerated along with its associated costs for many issues like health, dysfunctio­nal families and crime. Criminal justice treats the symptoms, not the causes of crime. Society at large pays at least twice over for its discrimina­tory neglect of chronic poverty.

Fred Brailey, Orangevill­e

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