Toronto Star

Since 1971, the Canadian Judicial Council has held only 11 public inquiries into judges’ conduct.

- Star staff and The Canadian Press

1990: A committee found three Nova Scotia appeal court judges — Justice Gordon L.S. Hart, Justice Malachi Jones and Justice Angus MacDonald — blamed Donald Marshall, in part, for his 1983 wrongful murder conviction and used “inappropri­ate language” toward him, but did not recommend their removal.

1994: An inquiry was called after Ontario Justice Fernand L. Gratton was accused of staying on the payroll for two years while being unable to work because of medical problems. He stepped down before the probe into whether he should be ousted due to “infirmity or incapacita­tion” concluded.

1996: Superior Court of Quebec Justice Jean Bienvenue was recommende­d for removal for derogatory comments he made about women and the Holocaust during a sentencing hearing. He resigned before Parliament could decide his fate.

1999: Superior Court of Quebec Justice Robert Flahiff was sentenced to three years in jail for money laundering, prompting an inquiry into his conduct. He was recommende­d for removal and resigned.

2003: A judicial committee chastised Superior Court of Quebec Justice Bernard Flynn for statements he allegedly made to a Le Devoir reporter about a land purchase, but did not recommend his ouster.

2003: Superior Court of Quebec Justice Jean-Guy Boilard became the subject of an inquiry after he recused himself from a Hells Angels trial. The committee found his withdrawal from the trial to be “improper,” but not sufficient to warrant removal from the bench.

2008: Ontario Superior Court Justice Theodore (Ted) Matlow was investigat­ed for his involvemen­t in a citizens’ campaign opposed to a Toronto condo complex. The inquiry committee initially concluded there were grounds to recommend his removal, but the judicial council voted to overturn the decision.

2009: Ontario Justice Paul Cosgrove was put forward for removal over his misconduct during a murder trial, which the committee found to be “pervasive in both scope and duration.” He resigned two days later.

2014: A controvers­ial inquiry into the conduct of Manitoba Associate Chief Justice Lori Douglas was abandoned in November after she announced she would seek early retirement.

The inquiry panel was investigat­ing whether nude photos of Douglas posted online by her late husband undermined public confidence in the justice system.

Ongoing: An inquiry into the conduct of Quebec Superior Court Justice Michel Déziel is probing allegation­s of illegal political financing before his appointmen­t.

The allegation­s were made last year by a witness at the Charbonnea­u Commission.

Ongoing: A panel is investigat­ing allegation­s Quebec Superior Court Justice Michel Girouard purchased an illicit substance from a police informant before he took office.

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