Toronto Star

Dublin story and photograph a mismatch


Re Pregnant woman taken off life support in Ireland, Dec. 27

I will never be mistaken for a Catholic apologist, however, this article and accompanyi­ng photo are a mismatch.

The article speaks of how a country rooted in a conservati­ve Catholic theology is trying to grapple with change in the face of medical advancemen­ts and the ambiguitie­s that change forces us all to confront.

The tragic case of a young woman and her increasing­ly non-viable fetus has drawn Ireland into a much-needed debate of the country’s laws on abortion. The fact that physicians cannot always navigate the law is evident in even Canadian medical, legal and ethical practice — the recent Rasouli v. Sunnybrook case being a notable example.

That those caring for the young woman and the child she was carrying sought guidance from the Dublin High Court is not an Ireland-specific case. That even the archbishop of Dublin weighed in that he had “no objections to removing life support,” demonstrat­es the challenge of balancing law, ethics and simple decency in the face of tragic circumstan­ces and outdated legal strictures.

However, the large colour photo of a completely unrelated 2013 Rosary Procession at Knock Shrine, Ireland, has absolutely nothing to do with the case and only is serves to act as a caricature of the position of Catholics in Ireland and the presumed deeply rooted conservati­sm of its people.

A silly and lazy way to telegraph an editorial bias that is not in keeping with the issues as enunciated by the actual case.

Andrea Dyrkacz, Toronto

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