Toronto Star

Hats off to a great year for city architectu­re

Combining beauty with function, these 10 new buildings are welcome additions to Toronto

- Christophe­r Hume

It’s a good year for any city when a major new cultural institutio­n appears. And so 2014 was an excellent year for Toronto.

The Aga Khan Museum/Ismaili Centre, which opened in September, has redefined the city and enhanced it with spectacula­r architectu­re in the process. The museum, designed by Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki, is an exquisite stone-clad structure that looms over the Don Valley Parkway, daring commuters not to look. Poetic but hard-edged, it offers both a fortress in the distance and a welcoming embrace.

Beside the museum, Charles Correa’s masterful Ismaili Centre is as connected to the sky above as the ground below. With its slightly off-kilter glass dome and expansive light-filled prayer hall, the Indian architect’s contributi­on is not just a landmark, but also a statement of faith, religious and civic.

The two buildings are set in a large fully planted garden designed by Beirut-based landscape architect Vladimir Djurovic. He has brought a level of thought and attention to the project unseen in an area of Toronto where asphalt is the landscape material of choice.

In another part of town, the University of Toronto’s Goldring Centre for High Performanc­e Sport reinvents the palace of sweat as a fully urbanized feature. Designed by Vancouver’s Patkau Architects and MacLennan Jaunklans Miller Architects of Toronto, the new facility is a striking addition to the downtown campus. Made of steel and glass, it feels like some giant screen that reveals more than it hides. Have athletics ever been so elegantly presented?

Meanwhile, at the U of T’s Scarboroug­h campus, the Toronto Pan-Am Sports Centre offers another take on jock architectu­re. As conceived by NORR Architects, the new facility mixes elements of the mall, community centre and indoor theme park. Though it looks a bit like an Ikea store from the outside, indoors it is an arrangemen­t of “streets” and hubs. Transparen­cy keeps things visible and reveals a happy mix of activities; in one corner, climbers clamber up a man-made rock face that rises in a large stairwell. The pools are impressive but not intimidati­ng. It is a place for work as well as fun.

The last thing Toronto needs is another glass tower, but the Delta Hotel on Bremner Blvd. occupies its space on the skyline with elegance and assurance.

Designed by Page + Steele Architects and the IBI Group, the 45storey building offers a variation on a theme that, for all its familiarit­y, still has much to offer.

At the other end of downtown, the River City condos in the West Don Lands are a powerful reminder that there’s more to residentia­l architectu­re than the see-through box. These black-clad midrise structures offer a convincing argument for contempora­ry planned neighbourh­oods. Montreal architects Saucier + Perrotte have reinvented the 19th-century model of streets lined with six- to eight-storey buildings. They have retained the scale and proportion of earlier times, but moved past traditiona­l orthogonal geometry to something more complex and engaging.

The most unexpected of this year’s crop has to be 445 King St. E., a box with a glass front that brilliantl­y reconciles Corktown’s Victorian past with its fast-gentrifyin­g future. Designed by Toronto’s &Co architects, this modest infill project is a beautiful example of how less really is more, and how a fabric building can fulfil its civic duty, be respectful and still manage to excite.

Though hidden in the shadow of the Gardiner Expressway, the new Fort York Visitor Centre marks a turning point for Toronto. This sort of leftover space has acquired new importance as the city madly urbanizes.

Rising out of the low ground beneath the ramparts, the centre is a long, low-slung structure that echoes the horizontal­ity of the site.

The nearby Fort York Library continues the architectu­ral transforma­tion of the convention­al library into a communal living room, a continuati­on of the public realm. Designed by Toronto’s KPMB Architects, this glass-clad branch includes old-fashioned bookshelve­s and high-tech facilities. It is clean, crisp and efficient, yet comfy and intimate. Sharing space with a park (that has yet to appear) and an unusually attractive condo tower, the library has been an integral part of the neighbourh­ood since it opened in May.

Finally, let’s not forget the MYC condo developmen­t at Yonge and Merton in north Toronto. This 25-floor glass tower, the latest from Toronto’s pre-eminent condo architect, Peter Clewes, is an exquisite exploratio­n of the crystallin­e. As MYC makes clear, there’s more to transparen­cy than meets the eye. Christophe­r Hume can be reached at

 ??  ??
 ?? CARLOS OSORIO/TORONTO STAR ?? River City returns to the midrise profile of years gone by, with black-clad structures that offer a convincing argument for planned neighbourh­oods.
CARLOS OSORIO/TORONTO STAR River City returns to the midrise profile of years gone by, with black-clad structures that offer a convincing argument for planned neighbourh­oods.
 ?? TORONTO 2015 PAN/PARAPAN AMERICA ?? The Pan Am Sports Centre looks a bit like Ikea from the outside, but inside it is an arrangemen­t of “streets.”
TORONTO 2015 PAN/PARAPAN AMERICA The Pan Am Sports Centre looks a bit like Ikea from the outside, but inside it is an arrangemen­t of “streets.”
 ?? AARON VINCENT ELKAIM/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? The Aga Khan Museum and Ismaili Centre is a welcome addition alongside the Don Valley Parkway.
AARON VINCENT ELKAIM/THE CANADIAN PRESS The Aga Khan Museum and Ismaili Centre is a welcome addition alongside the Don Valley Parkway.
 ??  ?? The MYC Condo on Yonge explores the crystallin­e in a new way.
The MYC Condo on Yonge explores the crystallin­e in a new way.

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