Toronto Star

It’s no surprise Fantino was demoted


Re PM’s election year to-do list starts with Fantino demotion, Jan. 6 Stephen Harper is in election mode and has finally done the “right” things — demoted Julian Fantino and met with Kathleen Wynne.

Let’s take the Fantino fiasco. He has shouldered the entire blame for the situation facing Canada’s veterans, but is he entirely to responsibl­e? Stephen Harper is a well-known micromanag­er and I for one doubt very much that what happened at Veterans Affairs is solely the fault of Fantino.

That’s not to say the former minister isn’t culpable of arrogance and ineptitude, but I’m sure he took his orders directly from the PMO, just as the Duffy affair can be traced directly there as well. This is a Prime Minister whose fingers can be found in every pie and easily passes the buck when the pie becomes too hot.

As for his “cordial” meeting with Ontario’s premier, the proof will be in the pudding (to mix metaphors). What will come of it all? Is Wynne, and Ontario by associatio­n, on his enemies list?

We had better be careful that his winning smirk does not give us another Conservati­ve government. Harper is a brilliant political strategist and knows how to play the game to his advantage. Stephen L. Bloom, Toronto There is no surprise in Julian Fantino being turfed as veterans affairs minister. I am sure many Canadians are wondering why it has taken this long.

He leaves a very disgruntle­d group of veterans, who feel shortchang­ed, and military members who feel they are not getting proper treatment for PTSD.

Erin O’Toole, a military veteran and lawyer, should be a much better fit. He will be more attuned to problems facing the military and its veterans, and should have a much more sympatheti­c ear.

I do hope he can restore respectabi­lity to this ministry and give veterans the respect and support they rightly deserve. Larry Comeau, Ottawa

The tragedy is that it was the veterans who had to suffer due to these politics. Monte McMurchy, Toronto

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