Toronto Star

Prof has duty to present vaccine facts


Re Students raise concern over Queen’s anti

vaccine teachings, Feb. 5 It’s no wonder measles has made a comeback. It is simply appalling that highly educated university professors are advocating for both sides of the vaccine debate.

There is no evidence supporting the idea that vaccines cause disabiliti­es in children and using that as a point to discredit vaccinatio­n is faulty logic. Previous research that did suggest a link has since been disproven and recanted, so it is incredibly ignorant of the professor to continue this debate, especially in the context of a health science class.

The professor has a duty to present scientific facts objectivel­y without skewing informatio­n in favour of one side or another. Doing so allows students to critically think about the issue and come to the logical conclusion that the benefits far outweigh the unproven consequenc­es of vaccines.

We cannot teach a generation of future parents that vaccinatio­ns do more harm than good or we will surely have another measles outbreak like the one occurring now — most likely even worse if we continue allowing professors to present unproven facts as truth.

The only comforting part of this story is that the students were smart enough to speak up about this injustice. Taylor DiSera, London, Ont. How is it that so many people manage to track the misguided rantings of Jenny McCarthy and other celebrity soapboxers and yet remain profoundly ignorant of current events in Canada and the world? Judy DeWitte, Kitchener

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