Toronto Star

Inoculatin­g against idiocy


Last week, measles hit Toronto. Measles. In 2015, getting infected with measles strikes me as about as likely as getting pancaked by a Model T or bumping into Warren G. Harding at the movies. And yet, here we are: Four adults and two children diagnosed in Toronto, another recent case reported in Niagara and a mounting wave of confused hysteria that, yes, somehow, people are still getting measles.

The local measles uptick comes after an outbreak Stateside, believed to have originated in or around the Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, Calif. It’s more fuel for the fires stoking the current debate around vaccinatio­ns, and whether today’s modern parent should bother with the outmoded, fuddy-duddy practice of immunizing their vulnerable children against virulent diseases.

Students at Queen’s University have raised concerns over professor Melody Torcolacci, whose Physical Determinan­ts of Health class floats the disproven idea that vaccinatio­ns are tied to disability and chronic illness in children (“She is a crock,” reads one particular­ly scathing appraisal on the website Rate My Professor). Recently, New Jersey governor and potential U.S. presidenti­al candidate Chris Christie called for “balance” in the argument about child vaccinatio­ns, stating that “parents need to have some measure of choice” in the matter.

Maybe it’s superfluou­s to claim that Christie, a man who delusional­ly believes that he’s a personal friend of Bruce Springstee­n’s, is wrong about something but, well, Chris Christie is wrong. And Melody Torcolacci is wrong. And the 20 per cent of Ontarians who, according to a recent poll, still believe in some link between inoculatio­n and child autism are wrong. And everyone who doesn’t vaccinate their children is dead wrong.

There is no need for “balance.” There is no reason for “choice.” Because believing in anti-vaccinatio­n is an indefensib­le position.

The benefit of vaccinatin­g yourself against infectious diseases isn’t a theory or propositio­n or a position. It’s a fact. There’s no reason to even “debate” the issue. Debating vaccinatio­n versus antivaccin­ation is like debating whether 2 + 2 = 4 or whether Hooch was the dog in Turner & Hooch.

Look at a graph charting reported cases of measles in the United States. It’s like looking at the first pitch of an especially terrifying roller coaster. Following the introducti­on of the vaccine in 1963, cases of measles dropped from the hundreds of thousands to the tens of thousands. (Reporting in Canada was a bit spottier for the years immediatel­y following the vaccine’s licensing, but the general downslope remains consistent.)

Debating vaccinatio­n is like debating climate change — another verifiable fact that, according to a 2013 Guardian report, was backed by around 97 per cent of the scientific community. Similarly, the MMR vaccine that defends against measles, mumps and rubella is considered to be 95-per-cent effective, an overwhelmi­ng number. (One of the cases reported in Toronto afflicted someone who was fully vaccinated, one of those exceptions-that-prove-the-rule type things.)

While the essence of democracy may well be lively, spirited, productive deliberati­on over issues of major public importance, there’s no great virtue in blowing hot air over something that can be safely taken for granted. Like, say, the truism that immunizati­on against infectious, potentiall­y fatal diseases is a good thing. The call for debate, discussion, considerat­ion, balance and choice often serves to bogusly validate the seriousnes­s of the so-called “anti-vaxxers.” Sometimes putting a notion on the proverbial table validates its specious right to even be there. It makes unserious ideas — or moronic or dangerous ones — seem totally vital and significan­t.

And the cost of lending some appearance of seriousnes­s to the anti-vaxxers’ ideas is perilously steep. To achieve “herd immunity” — the minimum level of immunizati­on in a given population to stop the spread of a particular illness, estimated between 83 and 94 per cent in the case of measles — requires that the vast majority of us work together. When inoculatio­ns dip below that threshold, many more people are prone to get sick. Herd immunity fundamenta­lly changes the algebra of personal “choice.” Because where the unvaccinat­ed are protected by the vaccinated, the opposite is not true.

If some freethinki­ng adult wants to live in some hovel up in the hills and slowly die of rubella then, well, that’s their prerogativ­e. But this freedom ends where mine, or anyone else’s, freedom begins. You don’t have a right to get other people sick.

Likewise, while anyone technicall­y has the right to advocate against vaccinatio­n, such dangerousl­y wrong-headed, totally counterfac­tual garbage doesn’t automatica­lly deserve to be accepted, or even tolerated. You can’t contest facts, or even high probabilit­ies. Two and two is four. Medicine is good. Hooch was the dog.

 ??  ?? John Semley is a freelance writer.
John Semley is a freelance writer.

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