Toronto Star

Honouring a debt


It took public pressure. But Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government deserves credit for moving to close “a major gap” in aid available to injured veterans. The new Retirement Income Security Benefit was a long time coming, but it pays a debt of honour by addressing a nagging injustice that left badly wounded soldiers at risk of poverty in their senior years.

It’s the first major reform announced by Veterans Affairs Minister Erin O’Toole, and it deserves all-party support.

O’Toole was refreshing­ly frank on Monday in describing the need for this program. The government’s signature New Veterans Charter was burdened by “a major gap” that’s now being closed, he said. Seriously disabled veterans should no longer be at risk of losing their financial security, and peace of mind, on growing older.

The problem was identified by various sources including veterans ombudsman Guy Parent who issued a scathing report in 2013. It affected hundreds of veterans who had suffered incapacita­ting wounds while on duty but hadn’t been in uniform long enough to qualify for a military pension. Many risked being plunged into outright poverty on hitting 65, when they would lose their disability income replacemen­t funding.

The new benefit averts that grim outcome by giving those suffering serious and moderate injuries a monthly support payment starting at 65. It’s meant to ensure that they get an income totaling at least 70 per cent of their pre-retirement earnings.

Officials estimate that by 2020 about 5,800 veterans and their survivors would qualify for this new benefit, to be calculated on a case-by-case basis. That would help fulfil Canada’s obligation to the men and women who risked all in service of this country.

Critics of the Conservati­ve government’s veterans affairs policies, including some injured former soldiers, warn that much will depend on how federal officials calculate the new benefit. And they note a great deal more must be done before all veterans are well-served by the country that sent them into harm’s way.

Even so, the new benefit marks a significan­t step forward. Let’s hope there’s more to come.

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