Toronto Star

Giving Ottawa gunman what he wanted


Re ‘Canada’s become one of our enemies,’

March 7 Just exactly what is the Star thinking? By making one of Michael Zehaf-Bibeau’s actual quotes an above-the-fold headline, accompanie­d with a large, colour photo of the killer himself, you validate the work of terrorists throughout the land.

Hey, it works! Cut some video, kill some innocent people, die a hero in a blaze of gunfire and the message gets headlines.

The headline should have been: “Loser’s rant underscore­s twisted views.” David Stones, Toronto

If all the jihadis are as ill-equipped as the man who attacked Parliament Hill, we don’t have much to worry about. But, on the other hand, Jason Bourque and the group that were going to shoot up the Halifax mall were well prepared and well equipped.

They weren’t armed with 30-30 lever action hunting rifles and they weren’t even classified as terrorists. Allan McPherson, Newmarket

The Star did a great disservice by publishing the Ottawa gunman’s picture on the front page, along with all the sordid details. It’s the last thing I want to see.

The publicity is just what he would have wanted and only gives others similar ideas. We have heard this story over and over – time to put it to bed. Robert Herscovitc­h, Toronto

Re Father struggles to understand son’s embrace

of Islamic State, March 8 I congratula­te your paper for giving us stories of “homegrown” terrorists and for telling us, in their own words, how they became radicalize­d – the war in Afghanista­n and invasion of Iraq.

George W. Bush admitted that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and there were no weapons of mass destructio­n. This leaves one motive – oil.

Perhaps we should look at alternativ­es in protecting public safety. Should we turn Canada into a quasi-police state (the new anti-terror legislatio­n)? Or maybe a better idea – stop joining every war that we can find. Hugh Allin, Newcastle

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