Toronto Star

On a (right) wing and a prayer

‘Too old and too white’? Prospectiv­e Republican candidates and the voters they’re trying to lure


WASHINGTON— Hours after another white Republican grandfathe­r lost another presidenti­al election to a younger black man, the chair of the American Conservati­ve Union issued a blunt warning.

“Our party needs to realize that it’s too old and too white and too male and it needs to figure out how to catch up with the demographi­cs of the country before it’s too late,” Al Cardenas told in 2012.

Three years after Mitt Romney’s defeat to Barack Obama, presidenti­al candidates Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina are making conspicuou­s efforts to broaden the party’s appeal. Ted Cruz, conversely, has turned his sights inward. In his view, what ails the Republican­s is not a failure to attract new supporters but a failure to energize its natural supporters.

A look at who the five prospectiv­e nominees are targeting — and why they might not succeed.


“Today, roughly half of born-again Christians aren’t voting. They’re staying home,” Cruz, the Texas senator, said in the announceme­nt speech he unsubtly held at evangelica­l Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. “Imagine instead millions of people of faith all across America coming out to the polls and voting our values.” Even a minor bump in evangelica­l turnout will be hard to achieve. Conservati­ve evangelica­ls have always been courted intensely, and Cruz’s math is off. Closer to a third of white evangelica­ls stayed home in 2012. “Is there somebody out there he knows about that we don’t know about? We don’t know that yet,” says Dennis Goldford, a Drake University political science



The Kentucky senator’s pitch to the young hones in on their supposed privacy concerns about high-tech government surveillan­ce. His pitch to black voters is centred on proposals to reform drug laws, return voting rights to felons and reduce some criminal sentences. Blacks and the young make up a small fraction of Republican­s, and they won’t carry anyone to victory in the primary. But Paul’s willingnes­s to take novel stances and do unorthodox bridge-building might make him more appealing to other voters, says Stephen Voss, a political science professor at the University of Kentucky.


On paper, both are suited to the role of wooing the Hispanic vote. Rubio, a Florida senator, is the son of Cuban immigrants. Bush, former Florida governor, is the Spanish-speaking husband of a Mexican woman — and he wants to offer a path to “legal status” for illegal immigrants. Neither Rubio nor Bush, though, is actually popular with Hispanics at the moment. Rubio enjoyed a popularity boomlet in 2013, when he pushed for an immigratio­n bill that included a path to citizenshi­p. But he took a harder line after the bill failed, and his approval rating dropped sharply.


Fiorina became the first woman to run a Fortune 50 company when she took over Hewlett-Packard in 1999. She says she could neutralize Hillary Clinton’s “gender card” simply by existing as the Republican nominee. Fiorina leads a conservati­ve group aimed at female voters, but she says she won’t talk specifical­ly about women’s issues: “Every issue is a women’s issue,” she said Thursday. Rather, she will emphasize her conservati­ve message and her track record. That record is mixed: Fiorina was forced out at HP in 2005. She fared poorly with women when she ran for a U.S. Senate seat in 2010.

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