Toronto Star

Study links children’s brain sizes to affluence

U.S. research fuels debate about how to close academic gap


New research that shows poor children have smaller brains than affluent children has deepened the debate about ways to narrow the achievemen­t gap.

Neuroscien­tists who studied the brain scans of nearly 1,100 children and young adults across the United States from ages 3 to 20 found that the surface area of the cerebral cortex was linked to family income. The brains of children in families that earned less than $25,000 (U.S.) a year had surface areas 6 per cent smaller than those whose families earned $150,000 or more. The poor children also scored lower on average on a battery of cognitive tests.

The region of the brain in question handles language, memory, spatial skills and reasoning — all important to success in school and beyond.

The study, published last month in Nature Neuroscien­ce, is the largest of its kind to date. It was led by Kimberly Noble, who teaches at both Columbia University’s Teachers College and the university’s medical school. Elizabeth Sowell, of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, was the senior author.

“We’ve known for so long that poverty and lack of access to resources to enrich the developmen­tal environmen­t are related to poor school performanc­e, poor test scores and fewer educationa­l opportunit­ies,” Sowell said. “But now we can really tie it to a physical thing in the brain. We realized that this is a big deal.”

The study is part of a growing body of research into children’s brain structures that has been made possible by recent technologi­cal advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

“It’s only been in the past 20 years that we could have done this with living, developing children,” said Sowell, who published a pioneering 1999 study that found the brain is still developing past adolescenc­e, contrary to earlier beliefs that brain growth was complete by the teen years.

The research comes at a time when most children in American public schools come from low-income families and the academic achievemen­t gap between poor and affluent children is growing. Policy-makers are increasing­ly concerned about ways to reduce the gap, which is apparent as early as kindergart­en.

In another study that has been accepted for publicatio­n in Psychologi­cal Science, a team led by neuroscien­tist John Gabrieli of the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology found difference­s in the brain’s cortical thickness between low-income and higherinco­me teens. The study linked that difference for the first time to standardiz­ed test scores: 57 per cent of the poor children scored proficient in math and reading tests given annually in Massachuse­tts, compared with 91per cent of the higher-income students.

“The thing that really stands out is how powerful the economic influences are on something as fundamenta­l as brain structure,” Gabrieli said. “It’s just very striking.”

The new research does not explain possible reasons for the brain difference­s. And that has created some concern that the findings will harden stereotype­s and give an impression that children who are born into poverty lack the physical capacity to succeed academical­ly.

“Some people feel if you show these brain difference­s, you’re politicall­y condemning the poor — which is the opposite, I think, of what we need to do.” Gabrieli said. “I think we want to understand adversity and minimize adversity.”

Noble and Sowell have two theories about why poor children have smaller brains. One is that poor families lack access to material goods that aid healthy developmen­t, like good nutrition and better health care. The other theory is that poor families tend to live more chaotic lives, and that stress could inhibit healthy brain developmen­t.

Noble has embarked on a new study to try to answer that question. She has begun a pilot study to investigat­e whether giving low-income mothers a small or large monthly sum of cash impacts the cognitive developmen­t of their children in the first three years of life. She plans to recruit1,000 low-income mothers from around the country, half of whom would receive $333 a month, while the other half would receive $20 a month for three years. That research is expected to take five years.

But James Thompson, a psychologi­st at University College London, has a third theory. “People who have less ability and marry people with less ability have children who, on balance, on average, have less ability,” he said. Thompson believes there is a genetic component to intelligen­ce that Noble and Sowell failed to consider.

In releasing their study, Noble and Sowell emphasized that the brain can grow and change based on experience.

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