Toronto Star

A budget for the wealthy


Re Doubling is troubling, April 11

The Conservati­ves seem to think they are doing a great service to Canadian families by providing the Universal Child Care Benefit and by increasing the TFSA contributi­ons to $11,000.

Social Developmen­t Minister Candice Bergen actually thinks that the Child Care Benefit gives families an equal choice. And Finance Minister Joe Oliver believes that the TFSA is somehow equally beneficial to all.

Are they deliberate­ly blind to the plight of middle and lower income families? Do they not understand the situation of single-parent families? What percentage of families have a stay-at-home parent? Who can afford a properly licensed daycare facility? Who has the disposable income to put away $5,000 a year, let alone $11,000?

It’s obvious that Oliver, Bergen and company do not know or care to know the real financial situation for the vast majority of Canadian families. They might have had a better understand­ing had they not cancelled the long-form census, but why bother with data when you can make policies out of ideology?

It is time to unseat this bunch of know-nothing ideologues. Stephen L. Bloom, Toronto

The underlying aspect to the various tax cuts the Conservati­ves have implemente­d or will be implementi­ng — increased TFSA contributi­ons, GST cuts, income splitting, etc. — has fallen below the radar. The commitment­s Joe Oliver is talking about are ways to destroy the federal government’s ability to raise revenues for generation­s to come and impede the ability of progressiv­e future government­s to repair the social safety net Stephen Harper has been slashing since 2006.

For every 50 cents of tax breaks voters get from Harper, they face a dollar in increased fees or lost coverage at every level of government because federal transfers are disappeari­ng.

The extra cup of Timmy’s they can now buy every week means fewer meat inspectors, transporta­tion safety checks, fiery tank-car derailment­s, or uninvestig­ated chemical spills in our lakes and rivers. Sure, the rich will benefit more now, but in the end, everybody loses. Mark Jessop, Barrie

While it’s understand­able the Conservati­ves would want to sustain and encourage votes from their historical base (the well-to-do) it’s regrettabl­e the needy will have to do without. The $2 billion Harper is spending to allow rich husbands with stay-at-home wives to split their income for tax purposes and the tens of billions of dollars he’ll spend allowing them to put more into TFSAs makes it seem like tax dollars from the poor are supporting the rich.

The poor don’t have an excess $11,000. Why not spend these billions on fully funded daycare, food for hungry children, social programs, education, infrastruc­ture projects that would enhance the economy and create jobs for the unemployed, or maybe even improving health care instead of buying votes from people who don’t need help? Randy Gostlin, Oshawa, Ont.

“Increased TFSA limits do nothing for the economy or the greater good of society. Instead, they pander to a Harperite neoliberal ideology that attacks the values of most Canadians.” P. E. MCGRAIL BRAMPTON

Harper has poisoned the well for future government­s by his tax-cut boutiques, piano lessons, hockey equipment, riding lessons, singing lessons, summer camp and adult fitness credits. Not to mention increased child care benefits for 17 and 18 year olds. On top of all this they are planning to pass balanced budget legislatio­n. This will make governing very difficult for future government­s. The Conservati­ves never had a balanced budget and now Harper is insisting on a balanced budget. This 2015 balanced budget will get there by creative accounting.

True unemployme­nt is higher than it has ever been in the last 10 years. The provinces are carrying more debt, thanks to Harper’s passing costs onto the provinces. Our rusted-out navy, our mechanized infantry back on their feet, our 40-year-old jets kept in the air by very skilled technician­s. The billions of dollars they claim to spend on the armed forces is less than Pierre Trudeau spent in the so-called decade of darkness. Allan Mc Pherson, Newmarket, Ont.

Eleven million people with TFSAs seems like a lot of lost tax revenue. It is simply another way to avoid taxes and should be ended, not increased. Of course under Harper it will only increase and continue to decimate our social programs. The opposition must be united in campaignin­g against this blatant tax cut and revenue loss. Elaine Purdie, Toronto

I am outraged that the Conservati­ves are to spend $7.5 million of our tax dollars on partisan propaganda — to advertise the April 21 budget. If Mike Duffy can be charged for allegedly claiming expenses on partisan activities mixed with Senate business, then Harper should be charged for misusing our tax dollars. Robert Yeung, Mississaug­a

Given that the doubling of the TFSA maximum will cost future government­s billions in revenue, any measure that ties government hands regarding running any deficit would inevitably result in massive cuts to programmin­g, which could prove politicall­y toxic.

One has to assume that the Conservati­ves are thinking that those future gov- ernments will not be Conservati­ve. Let’s not disappoint them. Steve Soloman, Toronto

I believe in balanced budgets. It’s just so laughable that this legislatio­n is coming from a government that has never balanced a budget, but has tripled the federal debt. Our great grandchild­ren will be paying for their folly.

Also hilarious is the litany of excuses for not balancing the budget — recession, natural disasters and war. Now do I think Harper is crazy enough to start a war to cover up his fiscal ineptitude? You betcha. Kevin Dunbar, Renfrew, Ont.

Spending taxpayer money on very partisan ads is dishonest. In the last election the Conservati­ves received fewer than 25 per cent of eligible votes, yet they are spending all taxpayers’ taxes on these campaigns. Where is the public indignatio­n at these “public service ads”? Harry Walker, Burlington, Ont.

April 10 marked the one-year anniversar­y that one of Canada’s best finance ministers passed away. Jim Flaherty, who died suddenly, was the author of the TFSA. His vision was such that the government is not only going to continue with his grand vision but they are going to double it to $11,000. This should be a tribute to a man who gave so much to his country and he never forgot the little guy who works so hard to get ahead. Rick Romain, Toronto

Adam Mayers’ article noted that only 12 per cent of TFSA contributi­on room has been used. And after 60 years, only 6 per cent of RRSP contributi­on room has. We are also told that Canadians carry too much debt. Debt reduction, not tax-free savings, is indicated for most. Obviously, TFSA limits should not be increased when the current plan is so under-utilized. Increased TFSA limits do nothing for the economy or the greater good of society. Instead, they pander to a Harperite neoliberal ideology that attacks the values of most Canadians. P. E. McGrail, Brampton

I’m tired of being left out of the action and so I’ve decided to sell my vote to the Conservati­ves in the next election. I understand they pay a good buck, sometimes as much as several hundred dollars a month. My question is, who do I contact to negotiate my gratuity? Would that be Mr. Oliver’s office directly? Or is there a registry of some sort?

Although I’m new to this, I can assure the party that I am just as “principled” a conservati­ve as any, so long as the price is right (LOL). Should anyone with cheque-writing authority in the party see this, please contact me. George Higton, Toronto

 ?? CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Joe Oliver, background, are preparing to release their budget on April 21.
CHRIS YOUNG/THE CANADIAN PRESS Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Joe Oliver, background, are preparing to release their budget on April 21.

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