Toronto Star

Washington versus Toronto: An insider looks at how the two cities stack up


The Toronto Raptors vs. Washington Wizards in the first round of the NBA playoffs.

Beyond mayors with crack, how do the cities stack up?

They sacked us, we burned them. They had a crack mayor, we had a crack mayor. We have too many raccoons. They have occasional opossums. Which are animals so cool they walk around with babies in their pouches. Advantage Washington. But they also have stinkbugs. Which stink. Disadvanta­ge Washington.


D.C. rules the world. Toronto — notwithsta­nding the absence of a White House, a Congress, a Pentagon, a CIA, an NSA, an FBI or even an NCIS — is the Centre Of The Universe.™ Advantage Toronto.


Never mind global geopolitic­s, can they keep my lights on? Torontonia­ns who endured the ice-storm-induced blackout of December 2013, know that D.C. feels your pain (and I have a generator to prove it). Outages are so absurdly commonplac­e that even the White House went dark earlier this month. Reasons vary, but blaming Pepco (“America’s ‘most-hated’

company”) is a sport unto itself.


Gridlock here, gridlock there — so what’s the qualitativ­e difference, whether you’re at a standstill on the Gardiner, the DVP or the outer loop of the Beltway? Well, what you don’t see in D.C. is the screaming road rage common to Toronto. Why? Some suggest bureaucrat­ic conditioni­ng — D.C. drivers know that no matter how quickly they get to work, political gridlock awaits. Others say it’s a cultural hangover of antebellum gentility. George Washington himself famously copied out the “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior” as a boy (“Bedew no mans face with your Spittle.”).


The D.C. area got truly serious about public transit in 1976 — right about the time Toronto stopped — with the launch of Metrorail, which now runs six subway lines to 91 stations (22 more than the TTC), including rail links to Reagan National Airport and (by 2018) Dulles Airport too. When Toronto fully implements the PRESTO swipe card, you will love it — D.C. launched its token-less, pre-loaded SmarTrip fare card system 16 years ago. A huge factor in D.C.’s transit expansion: massive federal funding support from Washington covering some 60 per cent of capital costs.


Every few years Toronto suddenly thinks it is Winnipeg and plunges into car-won’t-start sub-zero madness and for a month or so you just pretty much die, right? Every summer, meanwhile, D.C. does a scorching and sustained impression of the Seventh Circle Of Hell. Hot enough to fry the whole henhouse while Toronto cooks an egg. Humid enough to suck the sear off your seersucker suit. Which some Washington­ians still wear.


The Greater Toronto Area, at 6,054,191 people (2011 census), slightly edges the Washington Metropolit­an Area (5,860,342, 2012 census). The WMA, however, is the most educated city in the U.S., if not the world, with more advanced degrees per capita. Washington also has all the world’s heavily armoured embassies. Unlike D.C., Toronto has all the world’s peoples. Which is infinitely better. Mitch Potter has recently returned to Toronto after six years as The Star’s Washington Bureau Chief. He is willing to testify under oath that not a single American is aware basketball was invented by a Canadian.

 ??  ?? Two landmarks that dot the skyline. Toronto has the CN Tower while Washington has the Washington Monument.
Two landmarks that dot the skyline. Toronto has the CN Tower while Washington has the Washington Monument.
 ??  ?? While Toronto is rife with raccoons, Washington is opossum country.
While Toronto is rife with raccoons, Washington is opossum country.
 ??  ??

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