Toronto Star

Find flights at a glance on your phone


Cheapfligh­, a travel deal website, has re-engineered its site so a traveller can plug in a destinatio­n and dates, and it will serve up the full array of flights from airlines and online travel agencies in one search.

The site makes it clear from the get-go which flights are cheapest, quickest and the “smartest value.” The smartest value represents the site’s determinat­ion of the best balance of time and cost for a flight route.

The traveller can keep the options open to peruse, and filter the offers based on the details that matter most to him or her, such as the departure time or the airline, for example.

Because the site works with both airlines and travel agents, it can pair up different airlines on the outbound and return legs, and the design highlights informatio­n such as the length of any layovers or the prices from different booking agents.

The site adjusts to whatever screen size the traveller is using. The Cheapfligh­ts app works on iPhones, iPads and Android phones.

Cheapfligh­ts says that most travellers want to balance cost and travel time when they choose a flight. The screen shows the difference­s between the cheapest and quickest choices, and its “smart-value” choices.

The traveller can sort by any of the options, even as he or she starts to filter results by airline, departure times or total travel time.

When the traveller finds his or her ideal outbound flight, the site will offer to show all the return options paired with that flight. A click on the “more informatio­n” logo reveals details on what the airline charges for baggage and other fees.

There’s also a hotel search. Star Staff

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