Toronto Star

An about-face on veterans


With a federal election just six months away, partisan motives no doubt factor in the Harper government’s charm offensive aimed at Canada’s veterans. It could hardly be otherwise, given the nature of the political process. But there’s good policy here, too.

More of those who served in the Canadian Armed Forces are finally receiving their due after years of suffering Ottawa’s illjudged policies, reckless cost-cutting and caustic leadership, as typified by former veterans minister Julian Fantino.

Consider this a welcome about-face. What’s unfortunat­e is that it took so long for federal officials to do the right thing despite urgent pleas from veterans ombudsman Guy Parent, Canada’s auditor general, members of the Commons veterans committee and, of course, from veterans themselves.

A major step forward came this past week when Veterans Affairs Minister Erin O’Toole announced the planned hiring of more than 100 permanent case managers to help guide veterans through the tangled bureaucrac­y that serves their interests.

Various new reforms are of scant use if the people who need them can’t navigate the system to realize these benefits. That’s why good case management is so significan­t, providing oneon-one attention to veterans in need of help. About100 additional workers are to be taken on to process disability claims.

New hiring is especially important in light of previous job cuts at Veterans Affairs. While the Harper government celebrates its recent moves on behalf of Canada’s former service people, the fact remains that, in many cases, it’s simply correcting its own mistakes.

A huge stumble was appointing Fantino, of all people, to the sensitive job of serving veterans. Many, especially those injured in the line of duty, face immense stress and a host of challenges. But where patience was needed, Fantino was curt. Rudeness replaced compassion, along with rote repetition of the party line. To say veterans deserved better is a gross understate­ment; they could hardly have been treated worse.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s first necessary reform in this area was to dump Fantino and replace him with O’Toole, a former Sea King helicopter navigator and a far more sympatheti­c figure. It was a smart move. And there have been other worthwhile reforms, including:

The Retirement Income Security Benefit, closing what O’Toole admitted was a major gap in existing programs. It affected hundreds of veterans who suffered incapacita­ting wounds but hadn’t served long enough to qualify for a military pension. The new benefit helps them and their families ward off poverty with a monthly support payment starting at age 65.

Improved benefits for injured part-time reservists, providing them with the same basic income support received by regular members of the Armed Forces through the Earnings Loss Program. This makes obvious sense. Whether full-time soldiers or reservists, these people fight, bleed and sometimes die serving side by side.

Broader eligibilit­y for the Permanent Impairment Allowance, delivering lifelong, monthly financial support to veterans whose job options have been limited by a service-related injury or illness.

A proposed new Critical Injury Benefit, providing a $70,000 tax-free award to Canada’s most severely injured soldiers.

A Family Caregiver Relief Benefit, giving eligible veterans a tax-free, annual grant of about $7,200 to help give informal caregivers — usually a spouse or other relative — a break.

Much depends on how these measures are implemente­d, especially who is deemed eligible and who is shut out. It’s too early to give this a full 21-gun salute. But Ottawa’s recent changes at least clear a way to making many veterans’ lives better after years of policies that shortchang­ed them.

Conservati­ves understand­ably hope all this will generate meaningful support on election day. Perhaps it will. But not if voters bear in mind who allowed so many veterans to suffer — and for so long — in the first place.

The Harper government is trying to undo the damage it has done on the veterans front

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