Toronto Star

The Maple Leafs clean house


Re Shanahan cements control after Leafs’ bloody

Sunday, April 13 The Maple Leafs will do the one thing they do very well and that is to dump their losing players, coaches and general managers at almost the same moment that they will start pursuing the winners from other teams.

The Anaheim Ducks’ Stanley Cup winning coach Randy Carlyle was recruited by the Leafs and then fired when the Leafs went off the cliff and missed the playoffs, then started off this season poorly. Carlyle never got the support he needed.

And now they want popular Detroit coach Mike Babcock, and are ready to offer him a very lucrative deal. But he is hesitant. Babcock is smart enough to dispel the Leafs’ philosophy that only money should determine how a coach will be treated.

Who in their right mind would ever want to serve in that broken organizati­on? Robert Ariano, Scarboroug­h

Three cheers for Brendan Shanahan! He demonstrat­es the sound logic of a computer programmer: “When a program goes awry, don’t rewrite bad code, scrap it and write new code.”

With fingers crossed, the Leaf Nation awaits the start of next season. Paul Dion, Penetangui­shene, Ont. Toronto, and Canada as a whole, doesn’t need another made-over Toronto Maple Leafs hockey team. What we need are new owners of our hockey team — owners who are more interested in a producing a competing team than in selling their $18 beers. Bernard Kenneth McDonald, Oshawa Re Disappoint­ed Kessel hopes to be back in blue,

April 14 No need to be too disappoint­ed, Phil. Here’s some math to help you get through your summer at the cottage. You’re paid $8 million a year and you scored 25 goals. That’s, ahem, $320,000 per goal.

Chin up and hang in there you poor thing. Dan Fraser, Toronto

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