Toronto Star

Obama’s trip to Everglades is no accident

Florida visit may enliven climate change debate


WASHINGTON— It may not be as obvious a climate symbol as the rapidly warming Arctic. But with U.S. President Barack Obama’s climate-focused visit on Earth Day, this Wednesday, Everglades National Park could take on new significan­ce as a politicall­y potent case study of how global warming directly affects people living in the United States.

The chief reason? In the Everglades, the fate of an ecosystem, and the fate of millions of people, are tightly wrapped together — and both are affected by rising seas.

Everglades National Park is an ecological icon because of its liminal nature — its more than 600,000 hectares lie perched between fresh and saltier water, between marsh and ocean. The unique region was famously dubbed a “river of grass” and supports vast biological diversity — mangrove forests, sawgrass prairie and much more.

Moreover, it does this even in the damaged and dramatical­ly shrunken state in which humans have currently left it by diverting much of its historic waters.

But the Everglades is not just a place to see alligators, crocodiles and manatees. People rely on it too. The vast water system that feeds the Everglades also helps to fill and refill the Biscayne aquifer, a gigantic undergroun­d supply of freshwater upon which southeast Florida’s human residents rely.

“The Everglades as a natural system, and the coastal area as a human system, are really interdepen­dent,” said Len Berry, former head of the Florida Center for Environmen­tal Studies at Florida Atlantic University.

“Folks that live here don’t always realize it, but we are dependent on the Everglades as a retainer of water, and a filter of water. I can be an environmen­talist and say we’ve got to save the Everglades; I can also be a practical developer and say we’ve got to save the Everglades, because it’s of practical use to us,” Berry said.

Some people in Florida are already experienci­ng the spoiling of water supplies with salt water — Hallandale Beach, for instance, had “abandoned six of its eight drinking water wells because saltwater has advanced undergroun­d across twothirds of the city,” the Miami Herald reported in 2011. With further saltwater intrusion, more Floridians could experience the same problem.

The dependence on the Everglades can only increase as Florida’s population booms — it just surpassed New York to become the third-largest state in the country by population, approachin­g 20 million people, with an additional five million or more expected by 2040.

Thus, by visiting the Everglades, Obama may be able to land a shrewd political strike and shift the climate debate more to a clear and present home front.

That’s particular­ly pertinent in an ever more important swing state that has produced two potential 2016 GOP presidenti­al contenders, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. When it comes to climate change and the Everglades, the issue is not so much rising temperatur­es as it is the way that rising seas will push into the ecosystem, imperiling unique wildlife and potentiall­y spoiling freshwater supplies.

And we’re just at the beginning of this potential change. Sea level in the Florida area already rose nearly 23 centimetre­s during the 20th century, but projection­s for the 21st century are vastly higher — it could be as much as 200 centimetre­s, according to a 2014 study by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences on the progress of Everglades restoratio­n.

Throw in warmer temperatur­es and a potential decline in rainfall, and you’ve got “insufficie­nt freshwater to sustain the natural and built systems,” the report warns.

 ??  ?? The Everglades area is famously dubbed a “river of grass” and supports vast biological diversity.
The Everglades area is famously dubbed a “river of grass” and supports vast biological diversity.

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