Toronto Star

‘My child, my choice’ or ‘your child, no choice’?

- Martin Regg Cohn

Beware the anti-sex-ed backlash that boomerangs.

With thousands of anti-sex-ed protesters converging on Queen’s Park again, it’s worth asking what they really want. Not just what they say they want.

The sign speaks volumes: “My child, my choice.”

That’s the banner waved Sunday by many parents demanding the right to exempt their children from the updated curriculum. It’s also the name of an anti-sex-ed umbrella group that unites various ethnic, cultural and religious movements that wants parents empowered to shield their children from what’s taught in Ontario schools.

Thing is, they already can. In the spirit of reasonable accommodat­ion, parents have long been permitted to withdraw their children from sex-ed classes they find objectiona­ble.

Apparently that’s no longer enough. Now, the protest movement wants to prevent everyone else’s children from hearing the updated health and physical education curriculum — an update strongly supported by teachers in the public and separate school systems, and broadly supported by parents who want the best for their children.

When demands for “reasonable accommodat­ion” become unreasonab­le, societies risk becoming unaccommod­ating. Hence the risk of blowback from an anti-sex-ed backlash.

To be clear, the protesters are not only demanding a right that they already have — an exemption from the curriculum — but are insisting that everyone else hew to their world views of sexuality, pedagogy and ideology. They want to water down a curriculum prepared by experts after years of deliberati­on and consultati­on in order to accommodat­e their own interpreta­tion of sex education in 2015.

In other words, “My child, my choice” translates to: “Your child, no choice.”

Restrictin­g choice and imposing morality has long been the currency of social conservati­ves — so-called so-cons — who believe their religious or social values can be imposed on a secular, liberal society, all these centuries after the separation of church and state. Whether it’s opposition to sex outside marriage or the rights of gays, lesbians and transgende­rs, the undercurre­nt of hostility and homophobia is unmistakab­le.

Look at any anti-sex-ed protest and behold the gay-baiting placards, the mockery of transgende­r issues, and the obsession with masturbati­on — as if schoolchil­dren will get hands-on instructio­n. The protests manifest a toxic blend of ignorance and intoleranc­e, prejudice and paranoia.

For the record, masturbati­on is not part of the curriculum. It is, however, included in the so-called “teacher prompts” that equip instructor­s to answer questions if students raise the topic of masturbati­on, so that they aren’t caught flat-footed. The suggested answer for teachers, when asked, is that masturbati­on “is common and is not harmful and is one way of learning about your body.”

Critics of the curriculum are either opposed to sex-education outright, or hide behind the slogan that the update is not “age appropriat­e.” They call for more consultati­ons, as if that would magically resolve matters.

At the most recent protest, the darling of the anti-sex-ed movement, MPP and recent PC leadership candidate Monte McNaughton, once again took the microphone to proclaim his fidelity to the cause. Significan­tly, he brought “greetings” from Patrick Brown, the new leader he helped elect at last month’s Tory convention. Both McNaughton and Brown have declared they would ditch the curriculum. But what would replace it?

How would they determine what is “age appropriat­e” in the age of sexting, cyberbully­ing and online pornograph­y? Critics like McNaughton keep dodging the question, preferring to get down and dirty about particular sex acts without saying where they would redraw the line.

Public support goes up and down depending on how the issue is framed — inflammato­ry or informatio­nal. Recent internal polling for the government — which posed an uncontrove­rsial question about “updating the sexual education curriculum to include healthy relationsh­ips, consent, online safety and the risks of sexting” — showed twothirds of Ontarians supportive, with only one in 10 opposed.

Will the incipient sex-ed backlash take us backwards, toward a Kulturkamp­f that pits various cultures at war against one another? Can we agree to disagree without being discrimina­tory?

Keep a close eye on Brown, who assiduousl­y courted social conservati­ves to become PC leader — marking himself as anti-abortion, antigay-marriage and anti-sex-ed. Will he continue to bank on wedge politics, or finally come clean — and call off McNaughton’s phony war?

For too long, Brown and his so-con lieutenant have played both sides by flirting with the anti-sex-ed slogan, “My child, my choice.”

Now, it’s his party. His choice. Martin Regg Cohn’s Ontario politics column appears Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday., Twitter: @reggcohn

 ??  ?? Sex-ed protests are a toxic mix of ignorance, intoleranc­e and paranoia, writes Martin Regg Cohn.
Sex-ed protests are a toxic mix of ignorance, intoleranc­e and paranoia, writes Martin Regg Cohn.
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