Toronto Star

Defining Atlantic Canada’s Business Advantage: Five Reasons the Region Shines


The economy of Atlantic Canada is in ascendance, and it is an attractive home for new and relocating businesses. Mediaplane­t had the opportunit­y to speak with Frank McKenna, Deputy Chair of TD Bank Group and former Premier of New Brunswick, about the top five advantages of locating a business out east.

❶ Quality of Life: The towns and cities in the Maritimes are beautiful, friendly, and most of all, affordable. “The quality of living in Atlantic Canada is second to none,” says McKenna.

❷ Cost of Doing Business: Lower property prices mean lower business input costs. When that combines with the high quality of labour, the bottom line thrives for businesses in the region.

❸ Human Resources: Atlantic Canadians are known to be skilled and well-educated workers, with the region being home to an abundance of first-rate universiti­es. This local talent is eager for work. “Every Atlantic Canadian that you meet anywhere in the country or in the world,” says McKenna, “is a citizen waiting to get back home.”

❹ Advanced Technology Support: The technology sector in Atlantic Canada is extremely strong, with a spirit of innovation that drives developmen­t and telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture. Companies located in Atlantic Canada need never look far for a technology partner.

❺ Transporta­tion: As Canada’s gateway to the world, Atlantic Canada is blessed with a transport infrastruc­ture unrivalled anywhere else in the nation. “In terms of road transport, we have four or five of the largest freight companies in the country,” says McKenna. “We are also serviced by the rail lines and by ocean shipping. We have access to tidal water and to shipping all over the world.”

This list could go on and on. In the end, it’s the results that speak the loudest. “When you look at every business or industry that we have brought into Atlantic Canada, in virtually every case not only have they stayed, but they have expanded their operations in the region,” says McKenna. “This is one tremendous place to do business.”

 ??  ?? Frank McKenna
Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group
Frank McKenna Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group

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